Page 25 of Doc

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JoJo brushed her off. "You know I'm not talking about you, honey. None of us ever thought of you in that way, and you know it. I'm talking about the club bitches who don't know boundaries."

"Or they know but just don't care," Millie added.

Apparently, they'd all noticed Mitzi putting the moves on Liam.

"Don’t worry about Mitzi." Lulu's comment was directed at me. "If I know Doc, he's telling her how it is right this minute."

I glanced back to see Mitzi shoot me a glare and stomp off. I didn't even try to stop the small smile from spreading across my mouth. I met Liam's eyes. He gave me a wink and continued my way.

"Remember, after the hell he put you through, you have to make him work for it."

"Give him enough to keep him wanting more, but get a chastity belt for your pussy."

"Tease him until he can't take it anymore and he promises you anything."

"Your pussy is your greatest power!"

Ohmygod!Lulu, Millie, JoJo, and Bobbie, they were all too much. My head was spinning from all their advice. Raven and Holly just sat there nodding their heads as if in total agreement with what the others were saying. Jolene's expression remained neutral. After considering it, I suspected that they were all sorry that they hadn't taken their own advice. Just as I figured it out Liam appeared at our table.

"Good. You ate."

I nodded. "It was good. What about you? You must be hungry." I knew that he hadn't had a chance to eat earlier.

I couldn't draw my eyes away from the dark hunger swirling in his eyes. "Yeah, babe, you could say that." He lowered his face to kiss me, uncaring of the watchful eyes around us.

I instinctively opened my mouth to his and returned his kiss with vigor. I didn't care that we had an audience either. I'd been hungry for this man for so long. I reached up and cupped the side of his face as our tongues glided over each other. After hearing all of the girls’ unsolicited advice, I knew that they would probably give me hell for being so available to Liam, but I didn't care. We'd already wasted too much time, and I wanted him desperately.

"'Bout fucking time, Brother."

We pulled apart and I opened my eyes to see that Demon had come up behind Bobbie and had wrapped his arm around her upper body, pulling her close. He had a big grin on his rugged face. Liam sat down next to me as Demon joined Bobbie.

"This mean you'll stop being grumpy and get back to normal?"

My mouth dropped when Liam gave Demon the finger. I was astonished further when Demon threw his head back and bellowed with laughter. He struck me as the kind of man who'd punch someone in the face for giving him the finger.

"What's so fucking funny?" Cole dropped his hands on Raven's shoulders, gaining her attention. He pulled her close and whispered something in her ear. There was concern on her face when they parted.

"Our brother finally put the moves on his woman."

His woman? I should have objected, but I liked the way it sounded. I was Liam's woman.

Cole glanced across the table at us as he pulled Raven to her feet, and they walked off. Soon we were joined by Loco, Sax, Oz, LD, Bull, and Savage as they took their places next to their old ladies.

"Think you're jumping the gun, Prez."

What? Liam's comment caught me by surprise. Surely he knew I was his.

"I won't make Harlow my woman until her divorce papers are finalized in two weeks." He gave me a heated look. "And then I'm going to take her ass straight to Sunrise Heights."

Sunrise Heights? I looked questioningly at everyone around the table, but no one offered up any information. I did, however, notice a couple of the old ladies blushing profusely as they lowered their eyes. There was no denying the smirks being directed at me, either. I met the smoldering look in Liam's eyes and suddenly I didn't care what Sunrise Heights was. I'd go anywhere with him, and his possessive expression revealed that he knew it.

I swallowed, suddenly realizing how very different Liam was from David. The girls had filled me in enough to know that being involved with one of these men was a culture shock that took time to adapt to, but and every one of them had admitted that they wouldn't have changed a thing. They loved their men and would do anything for them. But my feelings for Liam aside, would I be able to ignore the danger and chaos that came with his lifestyle? The violence? Was I strong enough to love a man that embraced all that?

Liam's hand fell to my knee, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Don't overthink it, baby."

How had he known what I’d been thinking? I laughed softly. "Just go with the flow?"
