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“Fuck, baby.” His breathing was still choppy, his chest heaving as he sucked air into his lungs. He dropped a hand to my shoulder and grasped the material of my shirt, encouraging me to my feet. “You’re something else. You know that?”

I smiled at the praise and allowed him to crush me in his arms. “I surprised myself,” I admitted. “You seem to bring out the naughty in me.”

It was the truth. I was different when I was with Liam, not as inhibited as I’d been with other men, and it occurred to me that I was showing him what I wanted and how I wanted it. Not that a man like Liam wouldn’t figure that out on his own, but he knew me as a different kind of woman, and I didn’t want him afraid to unleash his inner beast on me.

I needed it.

I yearned to feel it.

I listened to his rapid heartbeat beneath my ear, knowing that mine was beating just as hard. “I enjoyed that.”

“Oh yeah?”

I could hear the smile in his voice, and I nodded.

“You can do that as often as you want,” he teased.

That caused a laugh to escape me, and I pulled back to look him in the eye. “I look forward to it.”

His hands drifted down to cover my bottom. “Did you make something for dessert?”

He’d switched gears so fast, a laugh burst from me. I hadn’t even thought of it. “No, I—”

“Good.” He yanked my lower body against him sharply and gave my bottom a rough squeeze. “I know just what I want for dessert.”

There was a promise in his eyes that spoke volumes. A tingle of awareness traveled down my spine as the implication of his unspoken words caused my pulse to race. A quivering smile played upon my lips. “If I put the water on for the pasta will you watch it while I take a quick shower?”

A glimmer of amusement glinted back at me. “I think I can manage that.”

“Good.” I turned to go to the kitchen. “Because I want to make sure I’m clean before you eat your dessert.”

Who was this woman? Liam must have been asking himself the same question, because when I chanced a glance back he was still standing there, a pleased look of shock on his face.

Chapter 11

