Page 34 of Doc

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That’s all he had to say. I could tell it was bad just by the sound of his voice. “On my way, Brother.”

This time I let Harlow slide from my lap. “I gotta go, babe.”

“So I heard.” There was disappointment in her tone. She stepped back, allowing me to stand. “Trouble?”

“Probably.” When we reached her door I turned, releasing a heavy sigh. “I don’t want to leave but—”

“The club comes first.” Her smile was forced. “I’ve been around long enough to know that.”

The club came first, but not in all things. Now wasn’t the time to go into it with Harlow, though. I needed to get on the road. I cupped her cheek and leaned in, meaning for my kiss to be soft and brief, but that never seemed to work out when I kissed this particular woman. A combination of frustration and hunger made me groan, and I crushed her against me. Her soft lips opened to my grinding kiss, and after a few sweeps of my tongue, I reluctantly pulled away.

“Be careful,” she said to me as I opened the door.

“Always,” I replied, not looking back. If I did, I would never leave. I heard her door close behind me and the click of the lock.

I raced to the clubhouse as fast as I dared. I knew the way like the back of my hand, but it was pitch dark out tonight. No sign of the moon, and most of the roads that I traveled didn’t have lights. Like a beacon in the dark, I saw the glow of the clubhouse miles before I reached it. Klutz opened the gate as soon as he saw me and I rode through, frowning at the condition of the two bikes that were parked close to the door. It was clear that the riders had been in an accident. I didn’t recognize either bike, but I did recognize the club logo painted on the tank. Fucking Wild Bandits. I thought we’d chased them out of Nevada.

Loco and Snake came through the clubhouse door just as I sprinted up to it. I stepped back to let them through.

Loco and I locked eyes. “Who’s hurt?”

I didn’t like the way that both men’s jaws clamped down, tightening their expressions. Snake looked away, a muscle twitching in his jaw.

“Cole’s been shot, but he’s gonna make it. It wasn’t a kill shot. The prospect wasn’t so lucky. We lost him.”

I knew the prospect couldn’t have been Klutz. My gaze shot to where he was manning the gate, understanding why he looked like someone had just killed his best friend. Because someone had. He and Creepers had started prospecting together and had been tight.

“Fuck,” I muttered beneath my breath. “What happened to the fuckers who owned those bikes?” I motioned with a nod toward the two wrecked bikes. “They been taken care of?”

Snake responded with a snarl. “Those fuckers won’t get a second chance to disrespect us. Their asses are already in the desert for the vultures.”

I frowned, wondering why their bikes were here. We didn’t typically bring back anything that could pin us to a crime, especially if the crime included killing. Of course, the desert was a ruthless bitch. Vultures could pick a corpse clean in a day. “What’s with the bikes?”

“Boss is gonna send them back to their club with a final warning.”

I nodded, grinning at Snake’s proclivity for always referring to Demon as boss. He just couldn’t seem to get on board with calling him Prez, even after all the years he’d been a member of the club.

“You better get in there and take care of Cole before Raven gets here. You know how the old ladies get.”

That was an understatement. I opened the door and headed straight to the infirmary, not surprised to walk in to find Cole lying on the table, flanked by Demon and Sax. Their eyes turned my way when they heard me coming. Cole twisted his head to see who had come into the room, and I didn’t miss the grimace that escaped him. Sax stepped aside when I joined him at the table.

“Fuck, Brother, I’ve seen you look better.” My gaze moved over him, taking in everything at once. Cole was covered in blood, pale, his eyes glazed over, and I knew that he was feeling the pain. Someone had already removed his cut and shirt, and it was easy to see the bullet wounds.

“Anyone fill you in?” Demon asked from the other side of the table.

I met his eyes briefly. “Got some of what went down by Loco.”

“So you know about Creepers?”

I nodded, deciding the wound in Cole’s lower side needed attention first. The bullet was still inside and would need to be extracted. “I hear we took out two of theirs.” I began to clean the wound area. Cole tensed, and a hiss escaped through his teeth.

“Yeah. Unfortunately, neither one was Bronx, although he was definitely there. Cole’s fucking lucky he made it back alive.”

“I thought the situation was taken care of.”

Sax snorted loudly. “Apparently not. They played us. Told us what we wanted to hear, and we were the suckers who believed them.” Heavy distaste coated his words.

Demon grunted. “Won’t happen again. Any of them show up here again, we give them a beatdown first and ask questions later.”
