Page 88 of Doc

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“Come on.” Savage put his hand on my shoulder. “Let’s go get our drink on.”

I was down with that.

Maybe it would help.

Chapter 30


I smiled and glanced over at Loco as he started up the van that we’d used to take Kelly home. I was beginning to realize that while the men of Desert Rebels were fierce, unstoppable warriors, they were also great big teddy bears when it came to women and children.

“You’re a good man.”

Loco shot me a blank look before he backed out of the driveway, remaining silent.

“I saw you hand Kelly’s mother that money when you thought I wasn’t looking.”

“Wasn’t trying to be sneaky. Doc asked me to give it to them if they looked like they needed it.”

It was clear that they’d needed it. Kelly and her mother lived in a rundown section of town where it was obvious that people barely scraped by and that what little they did have went to the basic necessities.

“He wanted to make sure the kid got the help she needed.”

I felt certain that she would. Kelly’s mother had broken down and sobbed uncontrollably when she’d first seen Kelly exit the van. Mother and daughter had run to each other and hugged, clinging to each other with relief, grateful to be reunited. From that moment on, her mother hadn’t taken her hands off Kelly.

The fact that Liam had been concerned about a girl he didn’t know only reinforced my love for him. His compassion for other people had been apparent when we’d worked together at the clinic, but it had also been clear that he had a dark, intense side. In fact, I’d witnessed the same traits with some of his brothers. They didn’t play around when the threat of trouble to their club or families was at stake. I’d seen them joking and laughing one minute, and then frighteningly serious and threatening the next.

It was scary how fast they were able to flip the switch on their emotions.

I thought back to when Loco had pulled Kelly’s mom aside to talk privately with her. Curiosity got the best of me. “What did you say to Kelly’s mom?”

His hesitation told me that he was weighing his words carefully before he spoke. He kept his eyes on the road. “Told her we’d dealt with the people who’d taken Kelly, and that she didn’t need to get the police involved.”

I frowned, wondering why. “But I thought she’d already called the police to report Kelly missing.”

This time Loco spared me a glance, and I caught his smirk right before he looked away again. “She’s gonna notify them that her runaway daughter came home.”
