Page 15 of Deviant

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I wave my watch against the door, hearing the drag of the lock disengaging before walking in and finally depositing October on one of the lush chairs across from my desk.

“How the hell did you know my name?” I just stare at her. With my mask on and all my clothes, I can see why she wouldn’t know who I am, but as soon as I spoke, she should have picked it up. My voice is no longer the deep, rough timber that I use when in a scene.

She must be too deep into her adrenaline to put two and two together.

I slide the lavish disguise up and off my face and lay it on the black oak desk.

“Dad?! What the fuck?” I can see her start to panic, unable to get her bearings.

“Breathe, O. In and out.” I offer nothing else as she gets herself together, and we don’t bring it up. She hates talking about her anxiety and drawing attention to it, so I try to respect her wishes. I just offer silent support.

“I—why d—” I hold up my hand, cutting her off.

“Why the fuck are you here? And who in their goddamn mind gave you an in, and how did you pass the interview?” I am seething. She was never to know about this place. Not because I’m ashamed, I’m not. She’s mine to keep safe and far away from any and every depraved thing in this world.

“Me? Why are you here, Dad? You should be at the club…” She trails off, and I know she’s thinking of Onyx. Her bright green eyes are peering at me through the eyeholes of rose gold, pearl, and filigree.

“Yes, October, I should be at the club. I am at the club. I fucking own Club Opal. Christ.” I grip the back of my neck, rubbing it, trying to unravel the tension I’m currently holding there. My jaw is twitching and if I clench any harder, I’m going to end up breaking a tooth.

“Onyx. I thought your club was called Onyx.” She’s whispering to herself, and I notice she’s sitting on her hands. That’s not something she typically does.

“Yea, O. I own Onyx and also this place. You know I have more than one business. I just didn’t tell you what exactly it was. It wasn’t necessary for you to know. Now answer my questions, October,” I growl out. I want the fucking answers.

“Don’t snipe at me because you’re all bent out of shape because I just watched you fucking two people. You lied to me. You kept all of this from me, and I just don’t know why. It’s always been you and me against the world, Dad. I just want to understand.” I sigh because she’s still young. She’s not going to understand why I would keep this from her. All she will see is that I lied, because an omission is still a lie in our family.

“Tonight should never have happened. You need to forget it and wipe it from your mind, and we’ll go back to griping about work and Sunday dinners.” I’m trying to turn this around, and I need to get her out of here. I don’t want this place tainting her anymore that it already has.

Her chest is still moving from her gasping, and my eyes are drawn to it, and the tease of the dark areolas has me biting my lip. I zero in on the half circle shape I can see, and I can almost feel my tongue slip past my lips in order to trace circles around each. I forget everything else until her voice slips past my fog.

“Are you staring at my tits?” She folds her arms beneath her chest, which pushes them up even further, and I need to get her the fuck out of here and out of sight. I don’t need to be daydreaming about fucking her tits until I come all over them.

“I’m wondering why you’re barely dressed at a sex club, and your nipples are playing peek-a-boo. Fucking cover up.” I grab my suit jacket off the back of my chair and hand it to her. Her big, green doe eyes look up at me as I tower over her. I crinkle my own, trying to get her to see that I need her to cover up. I can’t function when so much of her skin is exposed. I’m trying to protect the both of us.

It’s as if the rubber band of tension is pulled so taut that one single wrong move or word will have it snapping back at one or both of us.

She must see it because she gives no sass sliding the material on, and it blankets at least most of her visible flesh.

I see her sucking on her lower lip, and my eyes trace the bright red lipstick painting them. She’s a beautiful woman, but she dressed exactly how I expect a woman looking to get fucked would. All confidence and sin.

“Do you do that often?” I’m not sure what she’s referring to exactly, so I just answer shooting in the dark because she’s never seen me with anyone, so my sexual orientation has never come up between us.

“Fuck men? When I feel like it. I fuck whoever appeals to me. I don’t care about their gender. I care about how well they take my dick.” I shrug because it’s true. People are people. I love sex and I don’t deprive myself from having it.

“No, I mean have sex here. Like in front of people.” Ah, I should have known that’s what she’s fixated on.

“Yes, but I’m not talking about it with you. You need to go the fuck home. Forget everything you saw here tonight and don’t come back. If I catch you trying to come here again, October, I’ll revoke Justina’s membership.” Her eyes cut to me, but that’s the only way she got here. I just know it. I don’t handle membership, so I wouldn’t have known. If I had, I would have nixed her ever being accepted for the sheer fact that she’s my daughter’s best friend.

“You’re being ridiculous. I have just as much right to be here as anyone else. You can’t keep me locked away and sheltered.” She’s pouting at me, and I can see where the lipstick is smudged from when she was chewing on her lip.

“I don’t care how ridiculous you think I’m being. It’s my business and I can do whatever the fuck I want. Get the fuck home and let’s never fucking speak of this again.” I don’t give her any room to argue before I’m picking up the phone off my desk.

Two minutes later, Carlo is knocking on the door, and I pull it open.

“Carlo here has already called a ride share for you and will escort you out. I had them bring you your belongings from the coat check. Is she here? I can have one of the others find her so that you can leave together,” I offer, trying to smile at her to break through the anger holding fast on her face. We don’t allow any recording devices here, so there’s no way for October to contact her.

My little wildcat just nods her head but refuses to speak to me. I see we’re now in the silent treatment phase. As if I didn’t experience it frequently in her teenage years.

“I’ll see you on Sunday.” My words are a dismissal, and we all know it. Carlo extends his hand out, indicating October to walk ahead of him.
