Page 23 of Deviant

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Fuck me, this feels so good. I feel a hot body wiggling against my cock, and I want to split them wide open. I’m afraid to open my eyes and chase this dream away. If I keep them closed, I can stay in this in-between state and chase my nut before finally waking up.

“Goddamn, wildcat. The things you do to me. You gonna let me in, baby?” I ask the faceless woman grinding on me. All I can see is the outline of her as I grip her soft hips, digging my fingers into the flesh and loving the way I know I’m marking her skin.

“You gonna be my good girl and come all over me? Keep going until you can’t go anymore and then just a little more. C’mon, wildcat, lose control,” I urge her on and she does. Thank fuck, my subconscious is running this show. I don’t think I could deal with a brat right now. I’m desperate to come myself.

I thrust up over and over, feeling the damp material of cotton slide over my erection, and if I wasn’t so desperate to climax, I would move the panties aside and push down my shorts.

I feel her come closer before she kisses me again, and the sweet taste that’s uniquely her instantly has the figure taking shape in the form of October. My goddamn daughter. I let myself go and fall down into this salacious dream where the scent of peaches has me grinding and humping the soft, curvy body of this twenty-two-year-old.

I’m no stranger to fucking people in their twenties, but this is different. I can’t help myself as I drag my hands up her sides until I feel plump breasts brushing against my palms. I cup each one, letting the heavy weight of them fill and spill over my fingers as I grip tightly. Brushing my thumbs up and over the hard peaks has a gasp reaching my ears from my dream girl.

“Fuck, I love these. Can’t wait to get my mouth on them and make you come just from playing with your pretty nipples.” Her breath hitches as I move further up until one hand tangles in her hair and the other wraps around the delicate column of her throat. I can feel the pulse beating rapidly, an erratic thrum tapping against my palm, and I squeeze just a little tighter. Not enough to cut off her breath, but I want her to know that she may be above me, but I’m still in charge.

Using the hold I have on her, I pull her head down toward me, sealing my mouth onto hers and her lips part, allowing our tongues to war. The damp heat of her doesn’t stop moving across my dick, and her breasts are pressed tightly against my chest. Moans escape her and I swallow each and every one, desperate to swallow her entirely.

Nothing has ever felt as good as this dream apparition of a girl. I never want to leave this utopia that my mind has crafted for me. Just leave me be, me and my filthy, deviant desires.

We grind together furiously while never breaking our kiss, and I can feel my orgasm building. My balls tighten, gathering closer together, and the tingle in my spine lets me know my come is going to come bursting out any second.

I need her to come with me, so I let go of her throat, dipping my hand down between our bodies and slip up her skirt and set my fingers right on her clit, pinching it until she pulls up breathless.

“Come for me, wildcat. Come all over Daddy’s lap. Purr, like the good little slutty kitten you are.” I grind my palm against her clit while I cup the rest of her pussy, desperate to slip my fingers into the thin cotton and sink into her wet center.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck,” she chants, and the tension in her body snaps and it’s as soon as I hear, “I’m coming, Daddy. I’m fucking coming,” that my own climax hits and my eyes snap open, bringing me out of my semi-obscure state to see my actual fucking daughter above me.

October’s tits are right in my face as her head’s thrown back. It’s like I’m stuck in a frozen state before I notice I’m still touching her pussy and pull my hand back.

Her body is quivering, and a feeling of smugness settles in me for a brief moment before I realize how wrong it is.

“What. In. The. Entire. Fuck,” I growl out as I grip her hips to push her off me. I need to get out from underneath her. She grinds down on me twice more, and the immoral part of me preens before I push both of us up. I deposit her on the couch and get up and start to pace around the living room.

“Jesus, October. Wha—you know what? It doesn’t even matter. Fuck, I’m sorry.” I can feel my eye twitching and the way I’m wrenching my hair as I run my hands through it as I seriously contemplate just starting my bald journey now.

How the fuck did this happen? Dream her was it. The one piece I was allowing myself. Allowing my depravity to infect. I move over to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whiskey and don’t even bother with a glass. Unscrewing the top, I throw it down before bringing it to my mouth and taking a swig, my eyes never leaving her form.

She looks utterly immodest. Unashamed of what had just happened. Her body has a red flush to it, as if she’s still coming down from her orgasmic high. My eyes trace her heart-shaped face, past the tops of her boobs, following the slope of her hips until I reach the hem of her short-ass skirt. Her long, strong thighs and calves mock me. My hands twitch to touch her… again.

Like the fierce woman I raised her to be, she straightens her clothes while getting up from the couch. A look of determination crosses her face before she folds her arms, “I’m not sorry, and neither should you be. That was the best orgasm I’ve ever had, and we didn’t even fuck.”

I just fucking came, but my dick jumps at both the words and the image they incite before anger sets in.

“This is so fucking wrong on so many different levels, O. Did you stop to think about the implications of all of this? What about your mom? For fuck’s sake, you can’t just take advantage of people while they sleep.” I glower out at her, but the fire has been ignited in those green eyes of hers.

“Don’t even try to make me feel bad. I saw what I wanted, and I took it. I don’t go around grinding on unsuspecting people, and you and I both know you fucking loved it,Daddy.” She sneers out the last part mockingly.

“Do not try and sit on some high horse. I saw you. You may think I didn’t, but I saw the way you looked at me the other night in your office at Opal, and you wanted me. You still do and you have this weird hang up right now, but don’t take your misplaced anger out on me. I won’t let any man raise their voice at me with accusations. Don’t forget who raised me.” I hate the pride that courses through me as she stands up for herself. It wars against everything else that I’m feeling, and I go to open my mouth, unsure of what is actually going to come out when she stops me.

“I’m going home. I’m not about to sit through dinner with you in some awkward silence. Maybe you just need time to think or whatever, but I don’t need to put up with your crap. I am a fully functioning adult.” She turns around and stalks back out of the living room and not even two minutes later, I hear the front door slam shut.

Well, fuck. I pick up the bottle, intent on getting drunk and either waking up to find myself in an alternate reality where this was all a dream within a dream or hungover enough to wallow until I can get my head straight.

The oven automatically shut off at some point, so I pull out the manicotti I had been cooking and slide it into the fridge. No one is fucking eating it this evening. Instead, I head back to the couch and sit down on the gray fabric before grabbing my phone and pulling up my messages.

Me: I fucked up.

Lincoln: Fuck. I’m billing you for this. Keep your mouth shut and talk to no one.

I roll my eyes because fucking Lincoln Ashford is always and forever a goddamn viper of a lawyer.
