Page 39 of Deviant

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Silence descends as soon as the click of the door is heard shutting behind Dad’s friend Lincoln.

The man that just ate my pussy until I came all over his face. The one my dad calls a puppy, a good boy. At first, I felt a little gross at those words, but the more he said them, the more appealing they came to be.

Maybe I don’t dislike them at all, and Lincoln was all of those things. The way he listened to my dad was intriguing. The way he knew what he wanted without having to be told. Silent communication that only comes from being intimately entwined with someone frequently.

He sits down in the armchair in the corner, and I frown, “Why are you over there?”

“Because I can see it all play out across your face, and I know you have questions. I’m sitting over here so you can ask them, and I can answer, because if I sit next to you, I’m going to be in your cunt and no talking will happen except when I command you.” My thighs quiver and my core clenches because yes, please, I want that as well.

“Are you two…”

“Together? No. Do we fuck? Yes, sometimes. Randomly throughout the years. There are no feelings there except our friendship. Lincoln has his own demons he battles and an unrequited love that spans the ages, but that’s his story to tell. We are friends and there is a mutual respect and understanding there. Nothing less and nothing more.” I sit back, thinking over his words. I believe everything he said. It’s clear as day there isn’t anything romantic between them.

“Have you guys… done that before?” I gesture around the room.

“Mm. Play with others? Yes, but let me be clear. That was different from what happened here. I trust him explicitly. I would only ever allow him to scene with us, no one else. Letting others watch? I have no issue with, but no one will be touching you but me. Ever.” I mull over his words, letting a bitter tang gather on my tongue before I let the next question out.

“And what about you? Am I supposed to let others touch you? Fuck you? Do you expect me to watch?” Rapidly they fall from my mouth.

He just looks straight at me, stone-faced. “Do you want me to fuck others? Watch as they touch me and do wicked things with me? Do you want to extend those claws of yours right now and scratch the eyes out of anyone who dares try?” Fucking answering questions with more questions, because of fucking course he is.

“I—” Pausing, I take a couple of deep breaths before continuing, “No. I don’t want them touching you, fucking you, or doing anything with you. They can watch us, but that’s it. Lincoln—”

I shake my head because I truly don’t know about Lincoln. If we’re together, I don’t want them to keep fucking, but I don’t even know how to approach that.

“Is a nonissue. Lincoln and I scratch an itch. There are plenty of others he scratches an itch with, and he won’t be devastated, and neither will I. You have my word.”

In this world, your word is your bond. Mean what you say and say what you mean.

His word is enough about this. I have no reason to doubt it.

“What else do you want to ask?” he inquires, but there’s nothing left to say.

“Only one thing. Are you going to fuck me in here or out there in front of the crowd?” I say saucily, and the grin that stretches his face excites and terrifies me.

He stands up so fast I actually throw myself back against the chaise as he takes two long strides and scoops me up and over his shoulder.

“Hey!” His hand lands firmly across my ass, heating the skin and causing the sting from his palm to travel directly to the throbbing in my clit. He’s striding down a hallway, and part of me is afraid he’s going into the main room, but he turns and takes me into a smaller area.

Only a third of the size of the main room, there is a bar and various chairs and couches which have random couples sprinkled throughout. A much quieter venue and my nervousness tampers down. He walks us to the bar, nodding to a few people before putting my ass right smack on the smooth granite.

“What are you doing?” He drags my panties down, wrapping them around his wrist before pushing my legs open wide, exposing me to him and everyone else in here. Most of them aren’t even watching, lost in their own ecstasy.

“I’m giving you what you want. You don’t want to be in front of everyone, all eyes on you, watching every little move and seeing everything. Here, you can have the experience you crave and be comfortable. Remember, I won’t ever give you anything you can’t handle.” Tension bleeds out of me as I fully grasp what he means. He leans over, drawing my tongue into his mouth, fucking mine like he fucks my pussy. Harsh but controlled.

“Lay back, I’m famished.” He pushes me down with a hand on my sternum before lifting my legs and placing them over his shoulders, the sharp points of my heels digging into his shoulder blades. Suctioning onto my clit, he slurps and eats me as if he’s a man on a mission. Lips, tongue, and teeth battle for purchase on me. He uses everything in his arsenal, including his fingers, to spread me wide so he can devour me.

The cold of the bar top cools my overheated skin as I thrash. I can feel my hair tangling from the way I’m throwing my head from side to side.

Two fingers slide into my center, and the thumb of his other hand presses on my bundle of nerves. The rest of his hand is flared out along my lower belly. His shoulders press in, making me spread my legs further, and I feel his wet tongue flick across my asshole.

I jump but the weight of him holds me down. “Relax. I ain’t fucking you here yet.” Like that’s supposed to be reassuring. He goes back to licking between my hole and the sensitive area between it and my pussy while pumping his fingers in and out until the sensations overwhelm me and I shatter, squirting over the bar and covering him in it.

He looks up at me before pulling his fingers out, and poking his tongue out to lick his lips and any other trace of me he can reach.
