Page 43 of Marco DeLuca

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The entire time I visited the don, she was screwing my best friend.

“Thank you, Silvio.”

“Will that be all, sir?”

I pause and consider something else.

“No. Do you believe that any of my staff knew about the relationship between my wife and my right-hand man?”

“I don’t know if anyone knew, but I suspect Rocco may have.”


“I overheard them arguing one evening, sir. Maybe a couple of weeks before her murder.”

“What did you hear?”

“I heard Rocco ask if you were aware of her visits to Luca. She denied it, and then Rocco told her he could prove it. Things were silent for a minute, and then he asked if she wanted to rethink her response. After that, she told him that she knew he was involved with the Colombos, and if he spoke a word about her and Luca, she would tell you about his involvement with the Colombos. After that, they lowered their voices.”

“Thank you, Silvio. That will be all,” I rumble.

Fucking traitors in my camp! Two of the men that I trusted most have betrayed me. Darkness creeps in at the edges of my consciousness and all I can smell is freshly shed blood. A maniacal chuckle emits from deep within my throat.

Silvio glances over his shoulder from his place in the doorway, and I can see that he’s uncomfortable as he should be. The sinister plan unfurling in my mind to avenge my wife’s death and the betrayal of my trust is nothing short of diabolical.

Rocco is conveniently in America on vacation. I’ll take care of Luca first, and then I’ll head to the States to get some answers from Rocco.

When Silvio leaves my office, I pick up the phone and connect to one of the guest homes on my estate.


“Gino, get the car ready. Tell Ermes to get ready. We’ve got a trip to make,” I say.

“Yes sir.”

I stand and head out of the den.

“You got what you needed?” Carmine asks.

“Yep. Let’s go,” I say as I pass him in the doorway.


“SO, HOW’S THE MURDERinvestigation going?” Luca asks as he pours himself a drink and then me.

I cross an ankle over my knee as I take in the appearance of my life-long friend and right-hand man. He’s got dark circles beneath his eyes and a beard that’s grown quite long where he once was clean-shaven. The long hair that should’ve been cut more than a week ago brushes the tops of his ears.

His pretty boy looks that he takes pride in are still evident beneath the sallowness of his skin. I briefly consider he’s got a death wish. Not because he looks like he’s not taking care of himself, but because he dared to cross me the way he has.

“They’re not getting anywhere,” I mumble, swirling the clear liquid in the glass he hands me.

“That’s too bad,” he says sourly, sitting opposite me.

I toss the drink back and set the glass on the table beside me.

“How’re you holding up?” he asks.

Shrugging, I say, “Staying focused on business as usual. It’s all I know how to do.”
