Page 49 of Marco DeLuca

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If I took time to think about it for too long, I’d know exactly why. Parts of her remind me of being around Piper. She can be laid back, a good listener, one of the few who smokes and never asks questions about the family business. She accepts that some things don’t concern her and that she’d be better off not knowing.

Most women I fuck with ask too many questions or want me to give an account of my time if I’m not with my wife. I owe no bitch that type of loyalty.

The thing about Serena that differs from Piper is that Serena has an air of entitlement, and she’s spoiled as hell when she can’t have her way. Piper was more of an independent woman, and she cherished the time that I gave her.

Until she realized that she deserved better than me. One day she just woke the fuck up and realized that as much as she wanted to have my back, there was more that life had to offer, and she wouldn’t get it waiting around on me.

Saying goodbye to Piper and letting her walk out of my life was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I’ve killed men in their sleep, in front of their wives and children, and some shit I don’t like thinking about anymore. None of that compared to walking out of her apartment for that last time.

I glance down at Serena, and she’s working the hell out of my cock. I close my eyes and allow my thoughts to travel back in time.


“WHEN YOU COME BACK, I won’t be here.”

“Whaddya mean you won’t be here?” I ask, pulling my pants up and zipping them.

“Just what I said.”

“Picking up another shift? What’s going on?” I ask, buttoning up my shirt and searching the room for my shoes.

“I’m moving.”

“Moving? Where?” That’s enough to stop me and force me to turn around and look at her. I mean, really look at her for the first time.

She’s got her knees pulled up and a pillow rest between her legs and chest. She’s looking at me with those beautiful, wide brown eyes that seem to know everything.

“If I told you that, then you’d find me.”

“The fuck is you saying, Piper? Of course, I’ll find you.”

She chews on her bottom lip, frowning at me. “I mean, I know that you can find me. It won’t take a lot for a man like you, but I don’t want to be found, Marco.”

“Whaddya mean you don’t want to be found?”

She inhales deeply and tosses her pillow to the side as she swings her legs over the bed. With a quick flutter of the spread, I can see my shoes underneath the bed. I bend down and slide them from under there before standing and slipping my feet into them.

Piper’s standing in front of me with her hands on her tiny waist,e and her red nipples looking tender where I’ve been biting on them all night, and her pubic hair is on glorious display, making me want to bury my face there once more. But something tells me that I need to pay attention.

“Marco, these last two years with you have been beautiful. I’ve created some awesome memories with you that I will treasure forever.”

“The fuck are you saying to me, Piper?”

“I’m saying that I...we have to stop.”

I grab her and pull her naked body against mine, kissing her shoulder and then up to her chin before I take those big, luscious lips into mine. The way that Piper moans and does that little hum that she does whenever she’s turned on, I know that it isn’t over. Her mouth can talk all the shit she wants, but her body says differently.

My hands drop to her naked ass, cupping it and kneading it. She presses further into me, and the fingers on my other hand drive into her wetness. She hisses against my lips, moaning. Moving my hands around her waist, I lift her and walk her back to the bed, still sucking and licking her lips.

When I drop her onto the bed, I spread her legs wide, burying my face between her thighs, sucking out the wetness and sucking at her clit. She fists her hands into my hair and arches her hips into the air. I make love to her pussy with my tongue and kiss it like we were French kissing.

“Marco!” she hollers as her thighs tremble around my head.

I’ve got a fucking pussy demon when it comes to eating snatch. I swear I can’t get enough of it. I do it more for myself than the woman. It’s just an added benefit that they love what I do and that I can drive them wild with it.

As my tongue devours her, I add one and two fingers inside, twisting and plunging them in and out of her dark depth.

“Pulllleez!” she cries. “Release me, Marco! Release me!”
