Page 67 of Marco DeLuca

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Ipress the knife deeperinto his face until a sliver of blood seeps to the surface. Grabbing his jaw, I squeeze it hard enough to break it but stop just before I do. I pull the knife back and look at the bright drop of blood on the gleaming surface of the blade.

I squeeze the man’s neck tightly until he opens his mouth gasping for air. I place the knife into his mouth and force his jaws shut.

“Do you like that, huh? The taste of your own blood?” I ask as he gags. “The taste of blood excites me,” I growl so low that only he can hear me.

His jaw clenches, and I squeeze harder. “You want to try me muthafucka!”

His nostrils flare, and snot drips from his nose. He can’t move his head to indicate ‘no’ or his mouth to say it. He closes his eyes tightly, and the first teardrop seeps from under them.

“We’ll ask you one last time. Where can we find Rocco Albero?” Alessandro asks.

“Let up so we can hear him, Marco,” Antonio says.

I don’t listen but squeeze harder still until he pisses himself.


“Tony, I will fucking kill him!”

Antonio steps beside me and whispers, “I know you will, but we need the information. Otherwise, it’s a waste of energy.”

I slam Eric’s head into the wall before walking back to the door.

“Where’re you going?” Massimo asks.


He nods and turns back to where Antonio and Alessandro are cornering the bastard. When I step outside, the sunshine hits my face like a blinding light after being in the dark for so long. I pull the pack of cigarettes from my pocket and tap one out.

Lighting it, my mind travels back thinking about Grazi and how I failed her. Sure, she fucked me over, but she didn’t deserve to die because I didn’t protect her. I should have let her go from the start instead of keeping her around. All it did was create more pain for her. For me. I should’ve said, ‘fuck the commitment,’ and ‘fuck the vow’.


I recall the scent of blood that stained her bed, the pale tint of her skin, and how I’d never told her that I forgave her even after she’d begged me repeatedly. I was so intent on punishing her that I never gave her a chance.

The bastard who did this to her deserves to die and so does his family. Every. Fucking. Single. One. Of. Them.

I will kill each of them after they suffer executioner style.

I take one last puff and toss the cigarette to the ground. Stomping it out with my shoe, I kneel and pick up the cigarette butt, tucking it into the front of my trousers. I hop into the car, leaving my brothers and this miserable scene behind.

Only for a moment.

My phone doesn’t ring until ten minutes into my drive. Seeing Massimo’s name, I ignore it and keep driving. He calls again and then when he can’t get me, Tony calls next and then Ales.

It takes me eighteen minutes to get to my destination. A drive that might normally take thirty. Pulling around into the back alley, I park my car between the buildings and leave it idling. No one can see it from here.

Ermes is a brilliant motherfucker. Not only was he able to find out where Rocco was staying, although he’s moved on since yesterday, he was able to give me details on the cousin he’s here to visit, Eric Marino.

I grab my gun and check it before I run to the building and tap on the back door. Since I discovered that Rocco was involved, I’ve had men watch his family’s movements. I’ve learned that they’re creatures of habit, sticking to a solid routine. That’s the dumbest fucking thing anyone can do especially when you’re into criminal activities.

I glance at my watch and count down from ten. Stepping to the left of the door, I hide behind the garbage can just as the door opens. She steps out her hair pulled back in a long, blonde ponytail, and looks around before she lugs the large, black bag to the dumpster.

She hoists it up and over her shoulder and just as it lands with a plop in the bottom of the dumpster, I step out from the side, gun aimed at her head.

“If you utter a fucking sound, I will put this bullet in your head right now.”
