Page 70 of Marco DeLuca

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“All I want is Rocco’s location,” Alessandro says.

“Rocco is at a little cottage in Jackson. I think it belonged to his brother-in-law,” Eric cries out as I place my gun to his wife’s head. “He’s hiding there until the heat dies down.”

“Twenty-three Rhodes Place. It’’s...a little br...brown and white c...c...cottage,” Lauren stammers.

I shove Lauren towards Nico. “I want her on the ground now!”

“What if we don’t have all the answers yet? Maybe hold off on what you wanna do,” Nico suggests.

I look at Eric and his wife, ignoring my brother. “Get on your knees and beg my brothers for your lives!”

They do as I order, begging and crying to Ales, Tony, Nico, and Massimo.

As soon as they start, I press the gun to the back of Lauren’s head. I cock the pistol and pull the trigger and the blood splattered all over Nico’s shoes.

“What the fuck!” Eric shouts just before I turn and do the same thing to him.

Massimo jumps back out of the way.

“Goddamnit!” Nico cries out. “You didn’t have to fucking mess up my suede shoes!” Nico says, staring down at his black suede shoes in irritation.

“Shut the fuck up. We’ll get you some more god damn black suede shoes,” Massimo says before staring at me.

After several seconds he takes a step forward and rests one hand on my shoulder, his gaze meeting mine.

“We’ll get him.”

I nod and stalk off.

I don’t bother trying to explain my insanity anymore. People are always trying to figure out what triggered my madness. There’s nothing to figure out. Like most people, I haven’t gone through a traumatic situation in life.

I was just fucking born this way.

Full of rage. Full of madness. Full of insanity. A fucking savage to the heart.

