Page 74 of Marco DeLuca

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It’s time to relievemyself of the rage boiling within me. I sit outside the little brown and white cottage and stare at the window, watching the occupants move from one room to the next. It seems as if they’re arguing about something. What about? I’m not sure.

It’s been months since Graziella was murdered, and I’m finally about to come face-to-face with the demon that started my killing spree. It’s been years since I last went on a killing spree, and that was when I was in my early twenties.

One of our cousins had been killed by a jealous husband. DeLuca men haven’t been known for keeping our dicks in our pants and especially not when it comes to unhappily married women. The husband came home and found my cousin and his wife in bed fucking. He shot and killed my cousin on sight.

He instantly went into hiding. I’d gone after him and killed his wife, sister, father, uncle, and two brothers until I found him. Then I tortured and killed him.

My father had sent in the cleanup crew behind me, and at that time, I’d been sent away to Spain for a year until things could be cleared up and the chaos died down. That was a year after the debacle over Marie’s abortion. When I returned, I found myself engaged to Graziella.

My father had decided it was best for me to settle down. According to him, my life and emotions were out of control, and he thought that Graziella would be instrumental in helping me mature. Later, I learned that the truth behind our marriage was to strengthen the DeLuca ties in the financial industry in Cagliari.

Our family’s alliance with the Moretti’s sealed our hold over the insurance, investment, and banking industries in our region. The Morettis were the largest business owners in all three areas of Italy.

The don at that time, my father’s first cousin, had shared with my father that my marriage to Graziella was a two-fold resolution. It would allow the DeLucas to claim complete ownership of the financial arena in Italy, and it would serve to settle me down.

For the Morettis, they gained the protection and backing of the mafia.

Pulling away from the house, I drive further down the road and pull into a wooded lot.

I turn off the ignition and step from the rental car. Lucky for me, the little cottage is down a dark country road and there are no other residents for miles around. Pulling on my leather gloves, I close the door softly and walk through the woods.

A cool, crisp breeze blowing is rare for May in Georgia. It almost feels like the first part of spring tonight. The woodsy and earthy scent of the outdoors fills my nostrils, but my heart is yearning to smell the scent of freshly shed blood.

When I walk out of the clearing, I keep to the tree line at the back of the house until I’m sure there’s no one on the backside. I sprint towards the house and stop outside of the kitchen door. Jiggling the handle softly, I shake my head at the ignorance of people who presume they’re safe in their homes and that harm couldn’t possibly come their way.

I listen for a moment before I push the door open and slip inside, quietly closing the door behind me. Now I can hear their voices.

“You shouldn’t have come here!”

“How could I help myself? There’s no way that I could remain where I was. It was only a matter of time before he found out that I was the one who did it.”

“You’re a foolish man, Rocco!”

“I couldn’t let him find out that I was in bed with the fucking Colombos! Do you know what would have happened if he’d learned that? Do you know the danger I would have been in? If only that cunt hadn’t seen me at that hotel that day with them, I wouldn’t be in this position! If only she’d kept her fucking mouth shut instead of threatening me!”

“No, if you hadn’t been so greedy, you wouldn’t be in this mess!”

“I had over a hundred thousand dollars worth of gambling debt in the Colombos casinos. There’s no way that I could pay that off. The only way I could was to do whatever they wanted me to do, including conspiring with them against my boss! They wanted information on him to retaliate against their family for killing Frederico!”

“Stupid! You could have explained to him, and he would have understood!”

“You don’t fucking know Marco DeLuca. The only thing he hates more than a man who can’t take care of his family and business is a liar and a betrayer!”

“So, you bring your shit to my doorstep?”

I draw closer to them as I creep down the hallway, knowing they’re in the last bedroom on the right.

My hand goes to the doorknob, and I wait for a few seconds as I hear sobbing. When the door jerks open, it’s not my hand that does the pulling but Rocco’s.

His eyes are wide as if he’s seen a ghost and his face is pale, but in his hand is a gun pointing at my face.

“Dunque, mio disonesto amico, - è il suo giorno fortunato.”

Rocco chuckles and says, “It’s funny how one dishonest bastard can call another man crooked. You know what’s even funnier, Marco? It is the fact that you’re right. Today is my lucky day. I’ll take your ass out, and I won’t have to stop running.”

“If you believe that, then you’re a bigger fool than I thought, Rocco. Don’t you know that if you take my life, a million DeLucas will hunt you until they find you, torture you and every family member you have, and then burn your corpse and laugh as your soul screams in purgatory?”

“You’ll be meeting me there,” he snarls.

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