Page 81 of Marco DeLuca

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I’ve never seen him so angry, not that he has no right to be, but he’s scaring me.

“So what was it, Piper? Did his brother give you his number that night that he sat beside you at the bar, or did you chase after him whoring yourself out?”

“Fuck you, Kenneth!”

I know I’m wrong, but all I know is how to be defensive right now because I’m scared and ashamed. Only because I got caught, though.

“That’s what I’m wondering. Did you fuck him, Piper?”

I sneer at him, but I don’t answer him.

Kenneth shakes his head, laughing. “This is fucked up. Can you imagine how my political opponents would have a field day with this? My fiancé, the one I’ve had splattered over every local magazine sporting my ring, is fucking the mafia. You do realize that’s who he is, don’t you?”

I don’t say anything, but something in my eyes must give it away because Kenneth takes a step closer to me, and his eyes narrow.

“You already knew him. That night at the ball wasn’t your first time meeting him, was it?”

I shake my head because I can’t get the words out.

“I fucking knew it. He was too comfortable with you,” he sneers. “God! I can’t believe how fucking stupid I’ve been!”

I turn my back on him, and he grabs me by the shoulder and spins me around. “Why? Why couldn’t you tell me the truth, Piper?”

“I wanted to,” I say softly, finally finding my voice. “I just didn’t think that was the right time or place in front of everyone.”

“You could have said something when we were dancing or even when we went home later that night,” he grumbles.

“I know, but I wasn’t sure how you’d take it because I didn’t say anything immediately.”

“So, what? Did you decide to hook up with him and fuck him? How do you know him, Piper? How long have you known him?”

My shoulders slump, and I walk to my couch and sit down. The story spews out about how I first met Marco and how we became involved. I let Kenneth know that when he first returned from North Carolina, Marco and I had just broken up, which was the reason for my depression. I share the truth with him about how I saw Marco again at the strip club the night of my bachelorette party.

To Kenneth’s credit, he listens without interrupting me and lets me get the story out. I tell Kenneth everything and feel like shit when I’m done.

His head rests in his hands, and he says nothing. If it weren’t for the sharp inhalations and exhalations, I’d wonder if he was alive.

I’m scared to say anything to him, but I touch his back. Kenneth tenses under my touch, then stand, shoving his hands in his pockets.

He turns and stares at me, shaking his head.

“Do you love him?”

My eyes drift from his, and when they return, I see he knows my truth.

“So, what are you going to do?” he asks.


“About him. Do you want to be with him?”

I’m unsure why he’s asking me this question because does it matter in the scheme of things?

“I cannot be a part of his world, Kenneth.”

His jaw clenches, and I see his hands ball into fists in his pockets. “That’s not what I asked. Do you want to be with him?”

I stand and walk to him. “I want what you and I were building, Kenneth.”
