Page 30 of Take Me With You

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“All right. Good night then.”

“Um, I’d like the company,” she says.

Stretching and yawning, I reply, “I’m bushed.”

She looks at me with wide eyes and mutters, “Please.”

My bastard dick jerks in my pants, and I want to beat his ass. Now’s not the time to act up, to get my hopes up. Only part of me knows that she’ll give in. The question is, ‘when?’

Opening the blanket wider, she says, “Please?”

I sit on the swing beside her as she spreads the blanket wider. Once I’m enveloped in the warm cocoon she’s created, we close the blanket back around us. She leans into me and tugs on the zipper.

Using my feet, I push off and send us into a gentle swinging motion.

“I could sleep under the stars and wake up extremely rested in the morning.”

“In the snow?” I ask, looking down at her.

“Well, no, maybe not the snow. I mean, if it was just...the warmth that I’m feeling in this blanket, the quietness that surrounds this night, and knowing that I was safe, how I feel right now....”

“I make you feel safe?”

She looks up at me, and her eyelashes blink. I can see it on her face. The tension I’ve seen around her eyes since I first met her seems to have disappeared. I wonder what has her so worried all the time, although she tries her best to seem relaxed and at ease.

“You do.”

She doesn’t turn away again like I expect her to, but she keeps staring up at me in expectation. I want to taste those lips again. I know that I shouldn’t tempt myself and that indulging in temptation will only end up in trouble.



“I don’t usually do this, but...I’ve been thinking about what you said.”

I don’t say anything but keep rocking as I turn away from her and stare at the night sky as though I’m interested in it. I’m not. It’s a coping mechanism to keep me from taking advantage of her.

“Cade?” she says again when I don’t look at her.

“Hmm?” I reply as I continue looking at the sky.

“You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?”

Casting my gaze back on her, I reply, “I’m not into games, Nia. I know what I want, and though I shouldn’t, I want you.”

She sighs. “So do I. I want you, too. I want what you’re offering.”

“No strings?”

“No strings,” she sighs breathily.

I lean down and brush my nose and forehead against hers. Inhaling her sweet breath even this early in the morning is an aphrodisiac. Fuck want. I fucking need her.

My lips touch hers, and she watches me. Not once does she close her eyes as my lips sweep against hers. They don’t close when I lick the seam of her lips and suck her bottom one. When she parts her lips, she still doesn’t close her eyes.

We kiss with eyes wide open, watching each other, basking in one another’s reaction to the kiss. It doesn’t lessen the intensity. If anything, it heats us up more than ever and makes us both bold.

Nia pulls back, and my heart clenches. I know she’s experiencing regrets and will probably run back into the house.
