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Chapter 1


ailey you’re wanted in Mr. Jordan’s office,” Elizabeth said poking her head around the corner of her office door.

“Thanks Liz,” she stated locking her computer as she straightened her clothes prepared for the worst in the situation that was about to happen.

Ever since this morning when she’d seen who had bought out the company, she’d been waiting for the call to go see the man. Humiliation burned through her at the memories of the last times she’d seen him, and she wanted to erase them from her mind as easily as she’d erased the makeup, she’d worn that awful night. She should not be held responsible for her actions at sixteen. She was more mature than that now, far more and if Stefano Jordan thought she would cower in front of him again, he was greatly mistaken.

She took a deep breath as she pushed open the door to the executive suite and eyed the new assistant standing behind the desk. The woman was a tall icy cold brunette with a darker complexion, Stefano’s type to a T, and Hailey was well aware of her own height detriment in the room. She was five feet five inches whereas the woman standing across from her was likely five-eleven barefoot and in the heels towering over her own flats. She moved around the office too much to comfortably wear heels, plus they reminded her of being sixteen and nearly killing herself on a pair that were far too tall for her.

“Miss Michaels?” the woman asked looking her up and down as she instantly dismissed her.

“Yes,” she replied as the door behind her opened.

“Come in, Hailey,” Stefano stated watching as her long legs carried her over to the office door, shown off far too much beneath the skirt she wore for work in his opinion. For a night out, he wouldn’t complain but here where every man watched her pass was another story. He would have to discuss that with her also it seemed.

Hailey let out a short breath moving into the office as he shut the door behind them, closing her into the space that seemed smaller with his large size. He wasn’t a heavy man, but he was large, six-five getting his height from his father’s side of the family and it seemed he still kept to a strategic workout to keep his shoulders firm. In all honesty, he should have been the one she was attracted to, not Demetrius but his younger brother had stolen her heart when she was fifteen and done his best to ensure he kept it while barely acknowledging her.

Demetrius was only five-ten, following closer in the heritage from their mother, the Greek blood that flew through their veins, making them tan to a striking dark golden hue that she envied. She was of the peaches and cream variety and the sun usually left her blotchy, far removed from them and their sister Kyra, the bane of her life it seemed. She had constantly mocked her paleness, insisting on parties that revolved around the outdoors so to keep her from participating or keep her looking dreadful when they returned.

The family moved in when she and Kyra were eight, Stefano was twenty already, in college and hardly around which was why she barely knew him. Stefano’s father died when he was seven, his mother remarried when he was eight, and her second husband who was half-Greek had then provided her with Demetrius and Kyra. Perhaps that was the greatest reason why Stefano had barely been around, he didn’t seem to agree with his stepfather the few times she’d seen them together.

Hailey pushed the thoughts aside as Stefano came around to face her, giving her a long look as he assessed her outfit, and she fought the need to pull her skirt down a bit more. She enjoyed wearing dresses and skirts, showing off the trimness of her legs even though they were pale. She’d learnt to accept that she would never tan, only burn, and fake tans looked horrid on her, making her strawberry blonde hair look sickening against it.

“Hailey, it’s been a while,” Stefano stated forcing her gaze up to his and he saw the slight wariness in her eyes.

“What do you want Stefano?” She was beyond the niceties and pleasantries of social talk as she fought to control the heat wanting to escape through her cheeks.

“Straight to the point as always? Good,” he stated motioning towards the chairs set up in the more informal part of his office. He didn’t want a desk between them while they spoke. “How have you been?”

“Do you truly care?” Honestly, she didn’t trust anything that was likely to come from his mouth. He could make even the most pleasant comment into something truly humiliating, and she simply wanted this over with so she could move on with her life again.

“I do,” he stated leaning back in his chair as he studied her, seeing just how short her skirt became when she sat. “Your parents rarely see you anymore.”

“I’ve grown up Stefano, moved beyond Dove Light Cove,” she said trying to keep her voice calm as she took in the way he continued to study her.

“So, it would seem, tell me, why have you stayed away?”

“I think you know precisely why I’ve stayed away from the Cove, Stefano. So, what precisely did you want to say to me today? I mean there should be little else you could possibly humiliate me with but I’m sure you’re always up for the challenge,” she said not caring that he was now owner of the company. She would rather he fire her than sit around listening to him judge her.

“I am sorry for my harshness that night Hailey, it was a surprise to find you there and I did not want you to do something you would regret. Demetrius was not the person to care about consequences; I blame Nikolas for that. As for why I requested to see you today, is because we are all in a precarious situation now. Demetrius has come to work for me and will be installed here soon. Nikolas’ business failed due to his erroneous oversight of it and now Demetrius, Kyra and Mother are dependent on the Zeno fortune and family business for their livelihood.”

“And this concerns me how?” she questioned lifting her chin slightly hating the way it felt like he was staring down at her.

“Because Demetrius is engaged,” he answered and barely a flicker of reaction crossed her eyes to the news. “I do not believe it would be fair to install him over your division without warning to you.”

“You have now warned me, all of which could have been said in an email Stefano.”

“Perhaps,” he stated leaning towards her, “but I need your guarantee that you will not allow, how should I put it…old feelings to encroach on work time. I have high expectations of Demetrius, for him and this marriage he is to enter, and you have a history of falling for anything he tells you.”

“I’m not a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl anymore Stefano. It’s been eight years since I’ve allowed Demetrius to affect anything I do.”

“That was before you are to be back in touch with him each day. I know quite well the charms my brother possesses, and I do not want you to fall victim to them again, not only for your own sake but also for his, his fiancée’s, and this company’s sake. Demetrius is a normal man Hailey and if he senses the slightest bit of reception, he will flirt and likely accept what is offered. If this is how you present yourself daily to him it will not be long, I dare say, before I will find you again, naked in his bed.”

“I wasn’t naked,” she said as two bright spots of humiliation flashed into her cheeks at his direct assessment of her.

“As close as possible to it,” he countered as she shifted, pulling at her skirt slightly when his gaze lingered on her legs. “I would not be so blunt should it not be for the past association which you shared with Demetrius and Kyra. Once he knows you work here, he will quickly strike up that old accord, and should Mother discover you’re here, she will soon involve you in plans for the wedding as well as family outings. I am merely trying to negate the fall out that will occur should you find yourself again, in Demetrius’ grasp.”
