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“One of these days I will have to take you to Greece, make love to you while the sun sets around us there,” he said softly letting the lowering light cast shadows over them as he removed the towel from her body. “The color of your gorgeous hair reminds me of them, but you far outshine even a Greek sunset. You fill the world with color my darling.”

“I never would have imagined this moment six months ago, making love to anyone, least of all you…but now I desire it every day. You’ve changed my world Stefano. You made it so much fuller and now I never want to leave it.”

“You don’t have to; I won’t let you,” he whispered before claiming a peak and sending her mad with need. He thought nothing could be more beautiful than her in that moment as they found total contentment in each other’s arms but when she took him to a doctor’s appointment with her two weeks later and they saw the proof of their child growing within her he knew that wasn’t true.

“From the looks of this, I would estimate your due date to be the third of April,” Abigail told them as the appointment ended. “We’ll schedule you for some routine bloodwork and we’ll repeat the ultrasound in a few more weeks just to ensure everything’s proceeding at the right rate. Until then enjoy yourself. Stay away from foods that make you feel ill and be thankful that the worst of the morning sickness hasn’t hit you.”

“Are there any foods we should avoid other than that which makes her feel ill?” Stefano asked caressing her cheek making her smile.

“There are some basic no’s when it comes to food during pregnancy, raw fish, unpasteurized cheeses, don’t believe everything you read on the internet. Some fish is good for you, just not in massive quantities. You’ll want to increase your diet but the concept of ‘eating for two’ is not the way to go. I’m not saying don’t have the dessert because you’re not quite as concerned with your waistline, but don’t think it means you should overindulge. Remember, a baby usually comes weighing between seven and nine pounds. The rest is going to be on your body.”

“But we want her and the baby to be healthy,” Stefano stated, “which means she does need to gain weight.”

“Of course, it does Stefano,” Hailey said shaking her head at him. “Would I ever risk our child simply for the sake of my waistline?”

“No, you wouldn’t, and I certainly wouldn’t allow you to,” he replied, and Hailey saw Abigail’s brow lift at his words.

“You’ll have to forgive my husband, he’s half-Greek and when it comes to family, he’s far more Greek than not,” she said calming the woman. “I’ve gotten used to his phrasing of certain things, but he means nothing drastic by it.”

“Is that your way of reminding me to keep the Greek sheathed?” Stefano asked kissing her lips with a smile.

“Just the tiniest bit my love,” she said resting her head against his chest. “Stefano adores me, when he begins to make demands and issues what sound like orders it is generally because he is worried that something will happen to me or that he will lose me.”

“That would be a fate worse than death for me, I have loved you far too long to ever have you gone from my world,” Stefano stated in sincere honesty and Abigail smiled seeing the way his gaze encompassed everything about her.

“You may have loved me longer but that does not mean you love me greater,” Hailey countered knowing that if she didn’t distract him from the questions, he had about her pregnancy that he would continue to ask them until he was certain the best solution was to wrap her in a bubble until the baby was born.

“There is now two of you to love within your body, I’d say that allows me to love you more at present,” he teased claiming her lips in a soft kiss.

“Take me home and prove it then Husband,” she said watching his eyes darken with unmistakable passion at the name.

“I’ll see you in a few weeks Hailey. Stefano, she will not break and there are some women who find being pregnant increases their pleasure further,” Abigail told him, and he saw the blush steal into Hailey’s cheeks making him laugh.

“Even pregnant my wife is my sweet, beautiful innocent, comeagape mou, let’s go home,” Stefano stated drawing her up from her seat.

“Gladly,” she said letting him tuck her in beside him as they left the room.

Chapter 17


ow is it with Stefano being in Sydney?” Olympia asked as they shopped the next week on Saturday afternoon, just the two of them for once.

“Lonely, I can barely sleep without him next to me now,” Hailey stated with a look over a nightgown that suited her coloring well. She hung it back on the rack and met Olympia’s gaze with a smile. “What?”

“Stefano would love you in that, you love it, so why put it back?”

“I’ll never wear it for long,” she said with a slight blush as she withdrew a matching robe.

“Get both,” Olympia said taking the nightgown down to hand to her. “Make him work for what he receives.”

“He does, he works for it plenty,” she stated letting her hand run down the edge of the material before taking them both to add to her pile. “I have been wearing one since he’s been away, so I suppose there’s always tonight and tomorrow and even most of next week to enjoy it.”

“Mhmm and is there a reason for buying some dresses with a bit looser fit around the stomach?” Olympia questioned making her smile as she leaned towards her friend’s side moving arm and arm around the store.

“Do not tell our mothers yet…please don’t, Stefano wants to be home when we announce it.”

“I won’t say a word; I’d guess you’re not that far along though?”
