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“Yes, that entire day was horrid because your legs were tantalizing me. I wanted to lift you into my arms and wrap them around my waist until I could bury myself in your sweetness,” he said quietly seeing the blush mount into her cheeks. “Mmm that’s what I never want to lose,agape mou, that blush of yours fills me and ignites me fully.”

“Then perhaps we should go home rather than shopping,” she suggested but he shook his head no making her sigh. “Why ever not?”

“Because if we return home and to bed now, we will not leave until morning, and it is necessary that I attend. There will be old business acquaintances of Nikolas in attendance, and I have started an inquiry into the man’s dealings. Something about his marriage to Mother suddenly seems quite…”

“Suspect,” she offered, and he nodded. “Alright, but you owe me once we finally arrive home, my love.”

“And I will gladly ensure you do not sleep until you are entirely sated,yineka mou,” he stated, his heart flipping with her words. No one was near enough to overhear. Was it possible she had come to love him as he did her? Or did she not realize what she said? He did not know but it gave him hope all the same.

“Then let’s shop and I can torture you with dress choices, make you wish we were already home in bed,” she replied with a smile, letting him settle her into his side and lead her towards a designer’s boutique he approved.

“I already wish that,pethi mou, I always wish that,” he countered dropping a kiss onto her temple and she smiled fully as they looked around the shop.

In the dressing room she slipped into a knee length, strapless sweetheart neckline fitted silk masterpiece and smiled moving out to see what Stefano thought of it. She was certain he’d hate it, especially with her hair pulled back as it was today.

“Perfect fit is it not?” the saleswoman questioned as his eyes narrowed on it.

“No…go take it off,” Stefano demanded as his gaze rested on the tiny freckle on the top swell of her breast. “Do as I say,agape mou. No wife of mine will be displayed so poorly.”

Hailey let out her smile once they returned to the dressing room and the woman gave her a quizzical look.

“You knew he wouldn’t approve, didn’t you? You were testing him.”

“Naturally, I wanted to ensure that now that we’re married, since he’s made me his, that he wouldn’t brush aside what made me fall in love with him before,” she answered the woman. “He seemed harsh I know but he is the gentlest man in the world with me. He simply knows how other men think and react and doesn’t want them thinking of me as anything other than his.”

“He’s very…”

“Greek? Far more so than his half-brother who is three-fourths Greek compared to Stefano’s half. I don’t mind his attitude in the least, not when it keeps me safe from other’s intentions.”

“With a man who looks like that I dare say you don’t,” the woman agreed as she shook her head no at the dress she’d tried. Its V-neck was far too low, showed off too much of the sides of her breasts. She pointed towards a golden yellow dress in the mix and gave the woman a nod when she hesitated because of the back. Once on it flowed down her body beautifully, highlighting her slim waist before flaring out over her hips. The back was a series of twisted and mingling straps that crisscrossed over it, the front a very shallow V-neck that just hinted at the breasts beneath.

She saw the approval in Stefano’s eyes the moment she moved out into the space and gave him a grin, waiting to see the look in them when she turned to show off the back of the dress.

“Beautiful my darling, absolutely perfect for you,” he stated moving up to stand behind her, his fingers trailing down her arms.

“Do you think I should wear it this evening?”

“I think I might die if you don’t,” he said softly pressing a kiss to her hair.

“With my hair up and your earrings?” she said, and a flare of desire raced through his eyes as he nodded. “Do you want to see the rest of the ones I liked?”

“All of them,” he answered and with each outfit she found him a bit further on the brink.

“What do you think? Should I put them all back?” she asked with a glance through the stack of five dresses Amanda brought out of the dressing room.

“I know all of them will be coming home with us and now I need to find you one other thing,” Stefano stated, and she laughed finding them in a boutique of lingerie a mere fifteen minutes later. He walked straight past the raciest items and requested an array of different items for her preview.

“And do you want to inspect each of these before purchasing them?” she teased Stefano earning a full kiss to her lips.

“No, choose whatever makes you happiest from them. They will only be worn in my presence, so I do not mind how much they reveal of your delicious body,” he answered before pushing her into a dressing room.

Hailey returned thirty minutes later, finding two women attempting to get his attention as they paraded in front of him in skimpy lingerie. He wasn’t even gazing at them, his attention engrossed in his phone until she moved through the doorway and his head snapped up, his eyes darkening with desire spying her.

“All done already?” he asked standing, towering over the two women who were salivating upon seeing his long form.

“All done, I know what you like most, husband of mine,” she said with a cheeky smile as the two women’s gazes narrowed on her. “Next time you will have to join me.”

“I will never join you in a dressing room whilst you are trying on lingerie,agape mou. The slightest glimpse of your face is enough to arouse me to madness. Your body clad in silk and lace would destroy my commonsense, and I love you far too much for that to happen. Come,pethi mou, you need to rest before this evening,” he replied, and she felt a blush hit her.
