Page 10 of Bratva's Captive

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"What's our next move?" Misha inquires.

"The Chicago Bratva won't be selling drugs directly on the streets. Instead, we'll leverage the Chicago Outfit to distribute our drugs," I assert.

Chapter 5


Misha, Tatyana and I are sitting in my office at the compound discussing strategy.

"We don't need street-level drug dealers. With the abundance of universities, colleges, bars, and nightclubs in Chicago, we'll focus on selling the weed in those environments. We'll offer it at a more affordable price, making it an attractive alternative to legal dispensaries for the younger crowd," I explain, leaning forward in my chair. Tatyana sits quietly beside Misha. Taking a sip of whiskey, I relish in the fiery sensation as it cascades down my throat. Placing the glass back on the table, I continue.

"We need to approach this strategically," I state.

"I agree, Boss. We'll position our men at these establishments to handle the distribution of weed, designer cocaine, and other drugs. Additionally, we can recruit new individuals through platforms like Instagram and by networking at clubs," Misha elaborates.

"That's a viable plan. However, we must ensure our operatives are well-trained and discreet, minimizing attention from law enforcement. We don't want the police sniffing around too much," I advise, emphasizing the need for caution and precision.

I nod in agreement with Misha's plan, already envisioning the lucrative possibilities it holds. However, I am well aware that we must proceed cautiously in this unfamiliar territory. The Outfit will undoubtedly oppose our encroaching on their turf.

Misha also nods, savoring a sip of his own whiskey. "I've been networking and making connections," he reveals. "I believe we can establish some strong alliances."

Taking a deep breath, I lean forward once more, my focus fixed on Misha.

"What about security? We can't send our men out there without proper protection. The Outfit will be looking for any opportunity to strike us down," I inquire.

Misha's expression turns serious as he nods. "I've already assigned some of our finest men, courtesy of Lev, to handle security. They will seamlessly blend in with the crowd while keeping a watchful eye for any potential threats."

A satisfied smile graces my lips, content with Misha's response. I am determined to conquer Chicago's drug world, one transaction at a time. The Outfit's existence means nothing to me. Fuck them! In this exhilarating game, I revel in a surge of power and the intoxicating thrill it brings.

"Tatyana. How is the progress with the remodeling?" I inquire, my mind occupied by the shitty state Velvet Handcuffs was in.

"It's looking fantastic," Tatyana responds, a smile adorning her face. "The club has been transformed into a more upscale establishment."

My impatience seeps through as I question, "How much longer until it's completed?"

Tatyana's smile remains as she answers, "The contractor still has some tasks remaining, but he assures me it will be finished within three to four weeks."

I emphasize, "Make sure it's done on time."

"Nikolai, transforming a sleazy strip club into a refined gentleman's club takes time," Tatyana explains.

Misha interjects, "Will it resemble the sex club you have in London?"

I shake my head. "No, it won't. However, I am considering the possibility of opening a separate BDSM club in the future, catering to those interested in exploring bondage and domination."

Misha raises an eyebrow, prompting Tatyana to burst into laughter.

"Let's move on to the next item on the agenda," I declare, reaching for my cellphone placed on the desk in front of me. It's time to call Alexei Petrov, the talented young computer specialist who works for me from my base in London.

Alexei, in his early twenties, stands at around 5'10" with a lean and athletic physique. His short black hair is often in disarray, and his piercing blue eyes constantly scan the room with intense focus. His usual attire consists of skinny jeans, a leather jacket, and combat boots. Intricate tattoos adorn his arms, including a circuit board on his left bicep, showcasing his passion for hacking.

With a brilliant mind and a mischievous sense of humor, Alexei is an exceptional hacker. He thrives on challenges and loves pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved in the cyber realm. Bypassing firewalls and encryption protocols is second nature to him, making him an invaluable asset to our team.

I dial Alexei's number, and after a few rings, he answers the call.

"Alexei, I need you to gather every piece of information you can find on Mario Alfonso. He's a sotto capo of the Chicago Outfit, and he recently made threats against me and the Bratva," I assert.

"Consider it done, boss," Alexei responds with unwavering confidence.
