Page 38 of Bratva's Captive

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Tatyana chimes in, “I agree with Misha. Let’s talk about something more uplifting.”

Tatyana shoots me a dirty look. "So, Nikolai," She begins, her voice dripping with venom. "Are you going to keep your new pet around for long? Or are you going to get bored with her like you do with all your women?"

I am taken aback. How many women has Nikolai been with?

"Tatyana, shut the fuck up!" Nikolai's voice is sharp and his eyes narrow in anger. "Adalina is not a pet, nor is she some disposable toy. She is a guest in my home, and I expect you to treat her with the respect she deserves."

Tatyana rolls her eyes. "Respect? She is your prisoner!”

“I demand to be let go.” I demand. I am sick of listening to Maxim and Tatyana.

Nikolai yells, “You are not going anywhere, Adalina..”

I face him, “How dare you. I belong to no one. I will not let you or anyone else treat me like a possession.”

“Don’t push me Adalina!” Nikolai warns.

The rest of the dinner continues in awkward silence. I can feel Maxim's beady eyes on me the entire time. Nikolai and Misha talk about business and Tatyana interjects occasionally with small talk. I try to focus on my food, but I hate feeling trapped.

Nikolai abruptly stands up, knocking his chair over. "Dinner is over. Leave."

Misha, Maxim and Tatyana quickly get up and leave the dining room.

I stand up.

“Not you.”

I grimace. "Nikolai, what will you do if the Outfit doesn't give you what you want?”

Nikolai looks at me with a serious expression and answers, “The Outfit will give me what I want. In time, you'll be able to return to your family and your fiancé."

I feel a chill run down my spine. I don’t believe him. Then I think of Maxim and his human trafficking business. I have to get out of here, “I want to leave.”

"Time for us to call it a night," he says, his voice tight.

I walk past Nikolai and head upstairs, not looking back.

As I run upstairs, I wonder what is going to happen to me. I am trapped in a world of danger and uncertainty, with no way out. I can’t trust anyone. I need to be careful around these people. I can’t afford to let my guard down, not even for a moment.

Before I open the door to my bedroom, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and see Maxim following me.

“What do you want?” I ask trying to keep my voice from shaking.

As Maxim invades my personal space, I can feel his hot breath on my face. I try to back away but he gets even closer, making me feel very uncomfortable. “Well, just between you and me, Adalina, I am pretty important around here. Maybe not as important as Nikolai, but I do have some pull,” he says. "Not only can I take that ankle bracelet off you, but I can help you escape. I can take you back to your family."

“I don't trust you."

He laughs sarcastically. "And you trust Nikolai?"

"I know Nikolai better than I know you. I believe him when he says he's not going to hurt me."

Maxim shrugs and backs away, still smirking. "Have it your way, but the offer is always open. All you need to do is ask, sweetheart." As he walks away, I can’t help but notice his obnoxious swagger and his skin-tight jeans.

I can't believe I am stuck in this situation! All I want is to be with my family, even though the idea of marrying Mario fills me with dread. Nikolai confuses me. He's both arrogant and cruel, yet there's an inexplicable attraction that pulls me towards him. Whenever I see him, a conflicting mix of anger and attraction swirls inside me. It's as if my body and mind are engaged in a constant battle. I know I should stay away from him, but resisting the magnetic pull is proving to be a challenge.

However, at the moment, I'm trapped here for the foreseeable future until Nikolai gets what he wants from the Outfit. I have no choice but to endure this situation and hope for a chance to reunite with my family soon. Perhaps I can reason with my father and convince him not to force me or Delphina into marrying Mario. I have endured enough with Nikolai and the Bratva, and I hope my father will understand the gravity of the situation.

Nonetheless, I keep reminding myself that Nikolai is using me as a mere pawn in his game. I am nothing more than a means to an end for him. Accepting this truth is painful, realizing that I hold so little significance to someone. However, I must not allow myself to become entangled in his web of deceit. I must maintain my distance and focus on finding a way of getting out of here.

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