Page 58 of Bratva's Captive

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As we move further into the room, A rusty metal door is set into the far wall, we approach it slowly, with caution.

Misha pulls on the door handle, and it gives way easily, revealing a small room beyond. Inside the room, I see a small bed, a stained mattress, and a bucket in one corner. The air is thick with the stench of urine and feces.

My eyes lock onto a pair of wide, fearful eyes. It's a young girl, no older than twelve, huddled in the corner of the room. She is dirty and disheveled, her clothes torn and stained. I can see the fear and despair in her eyes. I can’t fathom how Misha can do this to a child. I hate the darker aspects of the Russian Bratva.

"Are you okay?" I ask softly.

She looks up at me with tears in her eyes and nods. Misha picks up her small frail body and carries her out of the disgusting room.

I turn to my men and motion for them to start freeing the prisoners. They work quickly, breaking the locks on the cages and helping the girls inside to safety. Misha calls the compound and orders more soldiers to come here with vehicles. I watch as the girls stumble out of their cages, some of them barely able to stand. I can see the fear and confusion in their eyes, and I can barely contain my fury. Maxim will pay for this. I tell Misha to make sure the girls are taken care of and given medical attention if needed.

“Where the fuck is Maxim?” I shout to no one in particular.

One of my men hands me a stack of papers he found on a nearby table, and as I flip through them, I realize they are records of Maxim’s human trafficking operation. The papers list names of victims, the prices they were sold for, and the profits that Maxim made from their suffering.

My blood boils as I read through the documents. I felt another surge of anger and disgust at Maxim’s callous disregard for young girls’ lives.

Where the fuck is Adalina? She has to be here somewhere. I run up the basement stairs and start searching the rooms on the second floor of the motel.

I can hear Adalina's muffled cries coming from one of the rooms, my rage has overtaken my senses and my blood is boiling. Without thinking, I draw my glock and kick down the door with a powerful force that splinters the wood. I charge inside.

That bastard Maxim has Adalina pinned the floor, her eyes pleading for help. Her dress is ripped and pushed up to her waist, but her panties are still in place. Maxim’s cock is hanging out of his unzipped pants as he glares at me with a knife to her throat.

My eyes narrow, and I stride forward with clenched fists, feeling the monster within me eager to break free. How dare this asshole try to take something that belongs to me!

Adalina is shaking with fear. Maxim has a sneer on his face.

“Nikolai, what a pleasant surprise. You came all this way just to see me. I didn’t think you’d find this place.” He says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

"You are a fucking dead man, Maxim!" I yell, my voice full of fury. "You should have known better than to mess with me.”

Maxim just smirks at me, his eyes filled with hatred.

I glare at him, my finger itching to pull the trigger. “Let her go, Maxim.” My voice is low and dangerous.

“Or what?” he taunts.

Suddenly I hear the sound of gunfire echoing through the halls of the motel. Maxim’s men are attacking my men.

Maxim turns his head away from me as he realizes there is a gunfight. I take advantage and lunge towards him and punch him in the face. Maxim drops his knife and rolls off Adalina, dazed. I kick his knife away. Adalina looks on in shock as I bash Maxim in his head with my glock, knocking the fucker unconscious.

"Nikolai," Adalina whispers, tears in her eyes. "He was going"

“Shh, Adalina.” I pull down her dress as I help her stand up. I look in her eyes. For a moment I am lost in her gaze.

I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. I see two of Maxim's men, armed and ready to fight. I am sure my men are not far behind.

I push Adalina behind me and grab a nearby chair, using it as a shield. The men begin to shoot, but I return gun fire. All around us, bullets fly, and I can hear screams of pain.


I watch in horror as bullets whiz past my head, instinctively covering my ears to shield myself from the deafening sound of gunfire.

I watch in awe as Nikolai takes down each man with incredible precision, his movements fluid and graceful. Of course. He is an assassin. I don't know how long the gunfight lasts, but it feels like hours. Eventually, the shooting stops, and I peek out from behind Nikolai to see what's happened. Maxim is still lying on the ground, unconscious, and Nikolai's men are all standing around, looking relieved.


The gunfire stops, and I turn to Adalina, she is shaking and crying, but she is unharmed. I feel a wave of relief wash over me. She is safe.
