Page 68 of Bratva's Captive

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“You’re mine!” I scream.

The dream abruptly changes, and now we find ourselves on Michigan Avenue. I watch myself walking away from Adalina, determined to put some distance between myself and the memories that threaten to consume me. But no matter how fast or far I run I can’t escape the ache in my heart, the longing for the woman I had let go.

I open my eyes and look around, trying to distract myself from the pain of the dream. The gnawing in my gut is raging harder than ever. But everywhere I look, I see reminders of her - like she is still here, haunting me with her absence. Fuck!

In the morning, I stand alone in Adalina’s empty bedroom, staring into space. The weight of her absence is bearing down on me like a physical force, the silence of the room deafening. The memory of the dream - her body pressed against mine, her breath hot on my skin, is still fresh in my mind, taunting me with what I lost. Fuck! What is happening to me? I long to hold her again, feel the warmth of her skin against mine, but I know it is impossible. Adalina is gone, and with her, the only source of light in my dark existence. I can’t shake that gnawing feeling inside my gut. It feels like emptiness consuming me, the sense that something essential is missing from my life. I have always been a man who existed in the shadows, but now I feel more alone than ever before. “Stop thinking about her!” I command myself in a sharp voice.

I walk downstairs to my office, trying to keep my mind from being preoccupied with thoughts of Adalina. As I approach, I see Tatyana standing outside the door, her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. I know immediately that something is wrong.

"What's going on, Tatyana?" I ask calmly.

“I just saw a live newsfeed on my phone. Mario Alfonso and Adalina Gaito are getting married today.”


“In an hour. The paparazzi are in front of St. Anthony’s church in Chicago broadcasting live.”

“Fuck!” I storm away from my office.

“Where are you going?” Tatyana yells.

“To stop a wedding!”

Chapter 30


I awaken abruptly in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat. It was a nightmare, a terrifying vision of Maxim and the horrible things he had done to me. Then, in the twisted realm of my dream, Maxim transforms into Mario, intensifying my fear of what he could do to me. I get out of bed and splash cool water on my face, attempting to calm myself.

Gazing into the mirror, I see how tired I look. My face is pale, and I have dark circles under my eyes. The urge to escape from this place, from Mario and everything he represents, overtakes me. Yet, the thought of Delphina taking my place stops me. After the wedding, I must find a way to flee from Mario's clutches, taking Delphina with me. Despite Nikolai's lack of love and the heartbreak he caused, he provided me with the means to escape Mario, my father, and the mafia. Nikolai shattered my heart, but I will forever be grateful to him. Even though I will never see him again.

Returning to bed, I fall back asleep...

I dream I am walking in the garden at the Bratva compound, hoping the fresh air will help clear my mind. As I walk among the blooming flowers and greenery, I feel a sense of peace wash over me. The sound of the water fountain and the chirping of birds make me feel alive again.

But my peace is short-lived when I see Nikolai walking towards me. I try to keep my distance, but he comes closer, towering over me with his intimidating presence. I feel vulnerable, like prey being hunted by a predator.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, my voice shaking slightly.

"I came to talk to you," he answers, his voice low and commanding.

"I don't want to talk to you," I say, trying to sound strong.

"You don't have a choice," he says, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him.

I tried to resist, but his grip is too strong. I look up at him, feeling a mixture of fear and desire. I hate myself for feeling anything for him, but I can’t help it. His closeness makes my heart race and my body ache with longing.

"What do you want?" I ask, trying to hide my emotions.

"I want you, Adalina," he replies, his breath hot on my neck.

I feel a shiver run down my spine as he leans in to kiss me. Part of me wants to resist, but another part of me wants to give in to the passion that is stirring inside me. I close my eyes and let myself be carried away by the intensity of the moment.

As we break apart, I know that I am in too deep. Nikolai has a hold on me that I can’t shake off. I hate myself for being weak, but I can’t help the way I feel. I knew that I need to get away from him before he leaves me heartbroken, but a part of me doesn’t want to.

"Are you sure about this?" he asks, his voice husky with desire.

I don’t need to answer him. I pull him towards me, my lips meeting his in a hungry, passionate kiss. It is as if all the pent-up emotions inside me have finally been released. I don’t care about the consequences. All I know is that I want him, and I am willing to risk everything.
