Page 43 of A Bullet Between Us

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“Ilias,” my brother warned.

“Make sure you take someone, preferably one of your guys, and—”

“Ilias!” Viktor’s voice grew. “Tell me what the fuck is going on.”

“Only if I knew, brother, but I don’t. Be careful,” I said before disconnecting the call.

The only noise inside the car was the engine shifting and humming with the speed. The street lights flew by in a blur and my eyes never stopped glancing at the mirrors. The beating of my heart couldn’t seem to return back to normal, and even if I was used to the adrenaline, this time the danger felt too real, too raw, with Davina being the target.

I knew she was in danger, this was bound to happen, but I'd just hoped this day wouldn’t come so soon and that I would have had more time to strengthen her, to help her, to be with her. Because I was sure once I called Chief Pierce, Davina would be moved somewhere else, possibly outside of Florida. It would be the best thing for her safety, but the self-absorbed part of me didn’t want for her to be relocated. I didn’t trust anyone else to keep her safe. I should’ve paid attention to her fears, the depth they ran. These people weren’t your everyday criminals, they had to be well organized to be able to find her in the short amount of time she’d been in hiding.

And now I was supposed to let her go? Knowing all of this? Knowing if I did, I would most likely never see her again, and maybe I would, but it would most likely be in the news.

This bizarre feeling deep inside gripped my heart in disarray, in chaos of understanding what that one phone call would do. I tried to grasp it all, to convince myself that it would be for the best, but the more I tried, the more I realized why I felt this way.

It was personal.

It was Davina.

I couldn’t let her go.

At least not tonight. I needed one night to wrap my head around this. To build the courage to call the chief, to build the courage to watch her leave.

And now, every moment, every glimpse I caught of her, became so much more. For too long, I’d hidden the pull and my will had no chance to fight.

“Where are we?” her small voice asked as the car stopped in my driveway.

I pushed the button to the garage door and parked the car inside. Davina’s hand slid to the handle before the garage door started to fall.

“Don’t,” I rasped. Her hand quickly fell, and my eyes moved back to the door waiting. Once it was fully shut, I let out an exhale. “Now, you can get out,” I said, but my body didn’t move an inch.

Neither did hers.


The atmosphere inside the car changed with a looming ghost of time. Whether it was time taken, or time left, it bounced silently with its presence.

Tattoo and Nightmare didn’t give up on me. It had been foolish of me to consider such a thing. And now that they’d found me, I knew it was time to run again.

I’d felt the panic, the anxiety that ran through my body, as we sped through Miami’s streets, but I held it together. I’d breathed in and out, calmed my heart and pushed the fear away. But now that I had the time to think in this echoing silence, I couldn’t help the lone tear that escaped. I had to leave, and that meant away from Ilias too, and it pained me to have to keep running to shield others from the danger.

But it was too late, I had already created a connection with Ilias, and the pain I felt wasn’t from running, it was for not having the chance to treasure what it could’ve been.

Time mocked me.

But I’d danced around it.


He took a deep breath through his teeth as his jaw shut, and the air grew thick. I turned to face him, but Ilias stayed facing forward and stared into the dark garage. A vein popped in his neck as the silence grew, and his hands gripped the steering wheel.

“You weren’t supposed to call me that.” He closed his eyes.

“But I don’t want the reminder anymore.”

“You should.”

“Either I’ll be gone or dead soon. But right now, I am here with you…” I stopped, and waited until his ice-blue eyes shone past the darkness and inside me. Once our eyes locked, I tried to finish my sentence, “Ili—”
