Page 50 of A Bullet Between Us

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My index finger hooked around the trigger, and tears escaped my eyes in a rush.

“This was way too easy.”

I shivered as I heard the English spoken had an Italian accent.

“You are as good as dead,” Ilias muttered as his head shifted upright. Blood stained his teeth through his grin.

“No one will know, pet.” The guy spat onto the ground, his hand snaking around his back to grasp the concealed gun.

I peered down to Ilias, who’s eyes were wide, watching me holding the gun.

“No,” he uttered so silently I was shocked I had heard him.

And when I returned my gaze to the intruder standing above him, the concealed gun was pointed at me.

The man smirked under the shadows. “I found you,” he taunted. “You can put the weapon down now, sweetie. We both know you won’t pull the trigger.”

His lips pursed before his whistles began again, and his body twisted back to Ilias.

I pulled the trigger.

The smell of sulfur and gunpowder hit my nostrils, and I took a step back from the shock and kick of the gun.

But he was still standing, watching the hole on the wall just inches away from his head.

I sucked in a gasp as I was now facing a vicious man. My gun-holding hand shook at my side as the man charged my way.

“Ugo!” Ilias shouted.

They knew each other.

I had no time to react.

In a blur, his gun raised before it struck my face.

A blinding pain shot through my temple, and I doubled over onto the ground, holding my face with my free hand. Wetness spilled through my fingers as I blinked away the dizziness and darkness that wanted to take over, but the throbbing pain on my head wouldn’t subside. I looked up.

The man named Ugo stood over me with his gun on my head. His large brown eyes cut over me in slits, and his mouth twisted with distaste.

“That was stupid of you,” he spat. “If they are going through so much trouble finding you, I’m sure they won’t care if you are dead instead.”

He was all I could see, but I wished it were Ilias’s blues one last time to put me at peace.

“Davina!” Ilias yelled, distracting Ugo.

And the thing was, I didn’t want to only see Ilias’s eyes for one last time. I wanted to see them for as long as I could, and in the morning with his arms wrapped around me.

“If you see death coming your way, tip the scales. Look at it right in the eye, smile, strike, and run until we meet again.”

I could see death at the end of Ugo’s barrel, and I looked at it, smiled, raised the heavy gun, and struck.

Ugo twisted as the first bullet hit his stomach, shocked, with raged hatred in his eyes.

I shot again, again, and again. And with each time I pulled the trigger, I rose higher off the ground until Ugo’s body laid next to the lifeless body and the gun clicked and clicked without any bullets left.

I couldn’t stop pulling the trigger. The only sound inside the room was the hammer clicking over and over as tears and shouts fled out of my bleak soul.

My name was called, but I was too far gone to be pulled from the haze.
