Page 11 of Bet on Me

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“Are you okay to be alone for a few minutes?” Drew’s gaze fixed on my face while I nodded. “Good. Stay.”

“Eat, little one. You’ll need some strength for the rest of the evening.” Drew pulled a side table closer, then set a plate of cheese and fruit on it. He held out a bottle of sports drink to me.

I chugged the drink, suddenly intensely thirsty. Drew fed me bite after bite of the plump grapes, crisp apples and salty cheese until the plate was empty. He handed me the bottle again, and I polished off the sports drink. I used a corner of the towel to wipe my face.

“Are you ready to continue?” Drew took the empty bottle and placed it on the ground.

“Yes, Sir.”

He motioned for me to stand. I obeyed, my gaze fixed on him. He pointed one finger to the ground, placing his other hand on his hip.”

“Drop the towel.”

My fingers were suddenly clumsy as I unwrapped the fabric from my body and let it drop to the ground. I’d been naked in front of him barely an hour ago. Why did I suddenly feel so much more vulnerable?

Drew looked into my eyes, his gaze hard. “You’re sure this is what you want. You’re sure you want to continue. That last scene was easy, baby. It gets more intense from here.”

I shivered with desire. “Yes, Sir. Please.”

Drew brought us back to the hallway, stopping at another room I’d never played in. With a flick of a switch, a bright fluorescent light illuminated the room.

“On the table,” Drew commanded in his deep voice. He moved aside.

In the center of the room stood a gynecologist’s table, complete with stirrups. My mouth went dry as Drew gestured to it.

What was he planning? I gave him a quizzical look, silently asking for an explanation.

His only answer was a raised eyebrow.

I swallowed hard. This was submission. He was in control. I didn’t need to know what he was planning. I climbed onto the table and sat on the edge, my bare feet dangling while I fought the urge to cover myself.

I looked up to see Drew standing before me, his gaze unwavering. He placed two fingers under my chin and tilted my face up, forcing me to meet his gaze.

“I’m going to take care of you, baby, but I’m going to push your limits. Can I trust you to use your safe word if you need it?”

I nodded.

This was what I needed. The fear of the unknown. The battle inside me of wanting to resist, of placing my trust in someone I knew would take care of me and would stop before it went too far. My body relaxed as I embraced the submission.

Drew pressed a hand between my breasts, pushing gently until I was on my back. He lifted one foot, then the other, placing them in the stirrups.

My knees folded inward out of habit. Drew pressed them apart and fastened a restraint around each leg to hold me in place. He moved to my side and pulled a thick band over my hips, then one over my upper chest. The straps restrained my arms at my sides. I wiggled, testing them. There was no give.

“Color, baby.” Drew leaned over me.

I tugged at the restraints again. “Um. Green.”

“Good girl.”



Drewsteppedawayfromthe table. Cabinets opened and shut. There was a clink of metal on metal, the snap of something rubber. From my position, I couldn’t see anything he was doing.

I lifted my head slightly, as far as it would go. Drew’s form appeared between my legs. He nudged them farther apart.

I closed my eyes. He’d promised intense. This was already more intense than anyone else had ever given me. The vulnerability, the complete submission.
