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I walked up to the bar, ordering a whiskey, and it was only a few moments later when I heard a female voice. “Buy me a drink?” she asked, and I turned to see another bleached blonde. Allegra. I fought back another smile. She’d come to check up on me, and even if I was irritated by that, I knew it was because she was jealous and possessive, and that felt like a small victory.

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I ordered her a drink.

She sipped it carefully when it came. “Thought I’d have a night out myself after everything that’s been going on,” she said.

I shrugged. “I guess that’s fair. Just stay out of my way.”

Allegra snorted. “Why, you looking to pick someone up?”

“Probably,” I said, looking over at her. I saw something flash across her face, so quickly that I almost wouldn’t have noticed it.

“All right, then,” she said determinedly.

I didn’t think I liked the tone in her voice. “Allegra,” I said in a warning tone, but she didn’t respond.

“Thanks for the drink, Roc,” she said easily, and downed the rest of it before going out to the dance floor. She wiggled her hips and I gave her a hot look. She was wearing this tight little white dress that was a little too short and a little too low-cut for me to want anyone else to see her in it.

As I watched her dance, looking right at me as if inviting me, considering giving up picking someone up, some guy quickly came up behind her, putting his hands on her hips. I gritted my teeth. She smiled right at me and leaned back against the guy, shaking her ass all over his crotch while he held her hips. I seethed.Two can play this game,I thought, and turned to the next woman who walked up to the bar. “You want to dance?” I asked her.

She looked me up and down.

“Sure,” she said easily. “Buy me a drink after?”

“You bet,” I told her. She was a little brunette, petite and shorter than Allegra, but she could have been anybody, honestly.

She danced well, gyrating her body, and I leaned down and asked her name. “Belle,” she said, and I was sure that wasn’t her real name, but I didn’t care.

“Rocco,” I said, and put my hands on her narrow hips as she danced. She leaned in closer to me and then turned around, pressing her ass up against me. I shot a gaze at Allegra and she wasn’t quite frowning, but her mouth turned down at the corners just slightly. She was trying not to appear jealous, but it was so obvious. I watched her as she continued dancing with that guy and did my best to gyrate along with the brunette in the same manner. I was going to give her back everything she gave me.

When Allegra turned to kiss the guy, though, I lost it. I pulled away from the brunette, stalking over to the guy and punching him in the face. He dropped to the ground and the crowd scattered.

“Rocco, you idiot!” Allegra shouted. “Now we have to run from the cops!” We didn’t exactlyhaveto run, because both Enzo and Romeo had cops in their pockets, but if we didn’t want to spend the night getting booked and then bailed out, we should exit the scene.

I grabbed her hand and dragged her out the back door and into my car, laughing. Allegra looked over at me, glaring at me. “It’s like old times,” I told her.

She barked out a surprised laugh. “I guess it is,” she mused.

I took off, squealing tires. I didn’t even know exactly where I was driving until I came across a deserted area with a little creek. “Oh my God,” Allegra said, having been silent the whole trip, giving me the cold shoulder. “This is the creek where—”

“Where we first made love,” I said, pulling off the road. “Want to see what it looks like ten years later?”

Allegra looked at me for a long moment and then nodded, letting me take her hand when she got out of the car. “It’s so small,” she said. “And the creek looks so dirty.”

I laughed a little. “It was always small and dirty, but we were young.”

I kept hold of her hand and she didn’t pull away. “You ever going to stop punching guys I bring home?” she asked.

“No,” I said flatly. “Which is why I was thinking about going back to Enzo’s.”

Allegra did pull away then, looking up at me with a frown on her face. “When were you going to tell me about this?”

“It was always temporary, right?” I asked her. “I was just staying long enough to spend some time with Matteo, and then—”

“And thenwhat?”she snapped. “Then you’ll leave again?”

I took in a deep breath. I could understand why she was worried about that, but at the same time, I’d explained it to her what seemed like a hundred times. “I would never leave you again,” I said softly, looking down into her eyes.

She blinked, looking surprised. “You mean you’d never leave Matteo,” she suggested.
