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“Ah, sure. I’ll just . . . um . . . go and call for a ride.” I stand.

“I’ve got it,” Wyatt calls and turns for his horse.

And then I stand there, kicking myself for my thoughts and watching this amazing woman at work.

“Let’s get your boot back on,” she says to Nathan. “Good thing it ties. You’ve got a built-in compression wrap with that.”

Nathan groans when she slides the boot back onto his foot and laces it pretty tight.

“Sorry,” she says. “Just let me know if your toes start tingling.”

“Very funny,” he says through gritted teeth, and I can’t help but snicker.

Sean returns with a handful of sticks and, with no help from anyone, Jack creates a brace that further limits his ankle movement. She flawlessly wraps the bandage around the twigs in figure eights, like she’s done this a hundred times before. When it’s done, she pats his knee. “Get it above your heart and keep it there, Nathan. It already bit swollen.”

I pretend to wipe the dirt off of my jeans and continue to watch Jack as covertly as I can as she places a couple of bags under Nathan’s ankle. It’s easier for me to think of Jack as this prickly city slicker, who screams at the sight of harmless snakes and who cares more about the latest brand of leggings than for nature, but she continues to surprise me.

If I’m admitting it to myself, I found it quite attractive to watch her step up and help a teammate. She was in command, confident, calm, and nurturing. She wasn’t nervous about breaking a nail or getting a little dirt on her fingers. I’m not wrong about most people, but maybe I had Jack pegged incorrectly.

She stands up once Nathan is situated and wipes the dirt off her leggings. She glances back at me, and this time, I don’t even flinch when she catches me staring at her.

Yup. I’m in big trouble.

Chapter Nine


This must be a commonstop along the cattle-drive route because there’s windmill with a huge metal ring to collect the constant drizzle of water. A well powered by the wind, I assume. Emma filled up the water bladders she used to brew the coffee this morning and then took a handful straight from the pipe and drank. I grab my camp cup from Jasper and stroll over but far enough away to get some alone time and just breathe.

After Nathan’s little incident—something I’ll have to do a full write-up on for HR—I need to walk it off, and a glass of water sounds divine. Human resources, what another hassle. If only tending to peoples’ health was all I had to do. There was a rush from being able to use those stale skills, and I can hear my father’s voice in the back of my mind:Why are you wasting away in the corporate world, Jacqueline? We put so much into your education, and you were on your way to being a talented doctor. The world needs more good doctors, you know.

I take a long deep breath. I chose not to go into my family’s preferred business for a good reason. I needed to make something my own, and I’ve been good at it too. So, why did using those stale skills feel so good?

We had planned to get back on the trail this afternoon and drive the cattle a few hours further toward the weekend destination, but I have no idea how long it’ll take someone to get out here to drive Nathan back to town. It’s entirely possible we will spend another night here before moving on. I’ll have to ask Emma once she and a few of my colleagues have finished prepping lunch.

The metal ring is just a little higher than my knees, which makes it a little awkward to lean over. There’s not a lot of water inside, just a little puddle maybe two feet in diameter. I plant one foot and lean toward the spout with my cup. Perhaps Dad was right and I’m wasting my career at LivFit. I’m definitely not using all the training I had before I took a left turn into the corporate life. The grass had seemed a bit greener over there with a nine to five job and not having to be on call. Although, I’m always on these days. And that’s a little like being on call all the time. I take a deep breath and look up at the spinning blades as I wait for a small amount to drizzle in and pull it back to take a drink. It’s ice cold and crisp on my tongue. With a sigh of refreshment, I smile and hold it under the stream to fill the cup.



I jump at the sudden, unexpected dog’s bark and my name, and my balance falters. I reach for the spicket with my already outstretched hand. My cup goes tumbling into the muddy puddle, and the brown yuck is moving closer in slow motion when two hands land on either of my sides. The toe of one boot—Luca’s well-worn boot—peeks at me for a split second before my body is rotated and I find myself looking up into his dark brown eyes with his arm cradling me over the puddle.

I’m not breathing.

Not moving.

What the heck am I supposed to do with this man so close? And so warm. Hot, even.

Under the shade offered by the brim of his hat, he smiles, and I think it’s the first time I’ve seen a genuine smile on his face. “I gotcha.”

I place both hands on his chest, hanging onto his shirt as if it was necessary to keep me out of the water. It’s not, because his arm holds me effortlessly. My eyes drift down his nose to his lips, landing on the perfect cupid’s bow on his upper lip. His lower lip is full too. . . Ah, no, that thought needs to stop right there. I finally inhale sharply through my nose and lean upward, trying to get him to stand me upright.

“Uhm, ah. Thanks,” I stammer as he sets me on my feet, but he doesn’t let go right away. I’m a bit overwhelmed by his strong arms, larger-than-life presence, and his scent enveloping me—leather and clean, but with an undertone of something slightly spicy. Perhaps nutmeg-ish?

Luca lifts a hand and sweeps a strand of hair away from my eyes, tucking it behind my ear. I feel his breath brush my temple and study his expression. It settles into a strange scowl, not a grumpy or angry one, but a confused look, as if he’s confused but his interest is entirely piqued.

I lower my eyes, because I can’t deny how good it feels to be standing this close to such a . . . yeah, I have to admit it . . . beautiful man.
