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This is our home.

Jack comes barreling into the house, clapping her hands. When she sees me, she runs and launches herself into my arms, wrapping her feet around me. I can’t help but love this woman. Her zest for life is contagious.

“I take it the closing went well,” I say.

“Yes. After all that drama and back-and-forth, the paperwork on my San Francisco condo is signed and sealed, and the money will be wired tomorrow.”

I take Jack’s cheeks in my hands and kiss her. Sometimes I feel the need pinch myself, wake myself up from this imagined blissful life. But it’s no dream. Not a figment of my imagination, and with the blessed months we’ve had together, I’ll hopefully get to do this for the rest of our lives.

“This is cause for celebration,” I say.

Jack hops out of my arms and walks into the kitchen.

“I agree. I’m thinking we go grab Jasper and Lucy and have a picnic down by the pond.” She starts pulling things out of the refrigerator, and I go to the fridge and pull out a bottle of sparkling cider.

“Well, my rich girlfriend...” We walk hand in hand to the stables and my other hand carries the full basket. “What will you do with all of this money?”

Jack looks up at me. “I want to help pay for this house. I mean, I feel so guilty that I live here for free.”

“Nonsense,” I say quickly. “I won’t have you giving me a cent of your money.”

“Well,” Jack continues. “Invest it. Or, put it toward the ranch.”

“Kids college fund,” I say, and Jack stares up at me and smiles. I love that talking about our future doesn’t scare her. I’m older. I’ve lived more life, but we’re on the same page about what we want.

“Or that.” She smiles brightly at me and nods. “Yeah. Or that.”


We enter the stable, andLuca takes the picnic basket from my arm, strolling over to the far side of Jasper’s stall. He sets the basket on the stack of hay bales along with the two champagne flutes and bottle of sparkling cider. Since he freed up my hands, I stop and open Lucy’s stall first. Luca takes Jasper from his stall and starts toward where I’m waiting for him near the saddles with Lucy’s reins in my hands.

He wears a sly smile, petting Jasper’s muzzle as they approach. Then, suddenly, they stop a few paces from us. Luca taps Jasper just above his front leg and clicks a few times in the back of his mouth.

I’m amazed as Jasper lifts one leg and backs up until he’s in a bowing position with one knee on the ground and his other front leg forward. The horse lets out a whinny and Luca sinks to one knee too with a hand reaching into his back pocket.

My eyes widen and I cover my mouth while I stand there with both my men on a single knee before me.

“Jacqueline Ana Moreno,” Luca says.

“Yes!” I squeal.

Luca chuckles. “I haven’t finished.”

“Oh. Sorry.” I roll my lips between my teeth and try to wait.

Luca opens a little box, putting a huge marquis diamond on display. I look closer and read the logo I had created:LivFit in Luxuryembossed in golden lettering on the top inside of the ring box.

“Jacqueline Ana Moreno,” Luca says, “I promise that I will do everything under the New Mexico sun to make your life the best it can possibly be. I will be here to support you through all life brings. I’m hoping you’ll do the same and agree to honor me by becoming my partner for the rest of our lives.”

I stay utterly quiet. Pools of tears form in my eyes, but I’m not sure if he’s done.

His lips stretch, and he asks, “Will you marry me?”

Jasper snorts as if he wants in on the game.

I jump. And squeal again. And clap. Then, I pet Jasper on the nose as Luca releases him from the bow. I kneel in front of this man, who has become my entire reason for living, then I take his face in my hand and look into his eyes. I place a gentle kiss on his lips and then pull back. “Yes, Luca. Yes. I love you so much.” I kiss him again and feel the relief sinking into his body as he returns the kiss.

After several moments, our kiss starting softly, deepening, then grows tender. Once more, I pull back and look at my fiancé. “You never had any reason to doubt. I want to be your partner in life more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I’m yours. A million times over. Always. Forever.”

~ The End ~
