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“You get one,” I growled in response, letting him know that this wasn’t a game I’d be lying down and rolling over for.

“Will it stop you from hooking up with my sister?”

A twisted laugh tore from deep in my throat. “No.”

“You sure about that?” he pushed, most likely working up the anger to deliver one hell of a hit.


“You asked for it.” Davey took a single step in my direction, and I flexed my right hand in preparation before he bent over in half and started cracking up.

My heartbeat was erratic, and I swore I could feel the blood pulsing through my veins just under the skin. I blinked a few times quickly to make sure I wasn’t seeing things, but Davey looked like he might keel over and die from laughing so hard.

“I’m confused,” I said the words slowly, methodically. Maybe this was some sort of trick or trap. If I lowered my defenses, I’d be an easier target.

Davey looked up at me, his body still bent over as it shook wildly. “You should have seen your face,” he tried to say, but it came out in broken syllables that I managed to understand.

“What the hell is going on?” I pushed back on the heels of my feet and reached for a chair to brace my weight on.

When he finally stopped his laughing fit, he stood upright and blew out some over-the-top breaths, followed by high-pitchedwooosounds.

“Are you finished?” I asked, still not quite believing that this wasn’t some sort of prank that might backfire on me at any moment.

“Oh man,” Davey breathed out. “Your face. Shit. You were really going to hit me, weren’t you?”

“I still might,” I said, and he started laughing again.

If he didn’t stop, we’d be here all day like this.

He put both hands in the air. “Okay, okay. I’m done… I think.”

Right when he’d finally calmed himself down, his fiancée, Samantha, waltzed into the office, her brown hair in a bun that matched the kind Davey sported. How had I never noticed that before? They had matching fucking hairstyles. I wondered if Ivy had done it just to mess with them, and I stopped myself from grabbing my phone and sending her a text to ask.

“Did I miss it? Darn, I missed it, didn’t I?” Samantha asked as she sat down in one of the seats in Davey’s office, clearly out of breath, and I shot her a look, to which she answered, “What? I ran here. I hate running.”

I continued to glare at her with a confused expression. “Why did you run here?” I asked, wondering what she knew that I obviously didn’t that was so important that she’d chosen to run here in order to not miss it.

Davey walked over to his fiancée and bent down to give her a sweet kiss on the mouth before heading toward his own chair and sitting down in it. “Babe, you only missed the part where he thought I was going to hit him and he was gearing up to hit me back,” he said with a slight giggle.

“I still don’t understand why that’s so funny,” I complained as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out, saw a text from Ivy, read it, and considered responding, but I put it away just as quickly. I’d fill her in on everything later.

“Because, idiot, I’m not going to hit you for liking my sister,” he explained, like that was common knowledge and anyone with half a brain could have figured that part out.

“You’re joking, right?”

“Why would I be joking?” Davey sounded so convinced of his sanity, like I was the crazy one for even thinking he’d be mad at me. I felt like I was in some kind of alternate universe, where everything was backward and nothing made sense.

“Because you bring up that stupid promise I made all the time!” I threw my hand in the air and started pacing.

“I only did that because I was trying to get you to finally come clean. I figured if I kept bringing it up, you’d eventually tell me to fuck off.”

I stopped moving. “What are you talking about?”

Samantha cleared her throat, forcing our attention toward her. “We know you like her, Saint.”

“Of course I like her,” I said as I exhaled.

“You made that painfully obvious when you tried to sabotage our business before it even got off the ground,” Davey said with a cocky smirk, and I felt my shoulders tense.
