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“I talked to Davey,” he finally said.

I ripped my hand from his without warning. I hadn’t meant to do it, but it was a knee-jerk response to his statement.

“Is that where you’ve been all day? What happened?”

“Let’s sit. Can we sit?”

He didn’t wait for me to answer before he started walking in the direction of my living room. I followed because of course I did.

We both sat on my favorite couch, not on either end of it, but so close that our knees pressed together as our bodies faced each other. He filled me in on what had happened at the office with Davey and eventually Samantha too. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. Not because Davey wasn’t angry with him, but because all of these people seemed to be involved and invested in the state of my and Saint’s relationship.

“Samantha knew I liked you. I mean, I’d told her so a bunch of times before. Even when I had other boyfriends,” I admitted, and it made him smile even though it made me feel like a bit of a schmuck.

I shouldn’t have been dating anyone while I had feelings for someone else. Then again, I couldn’t imagine evernothaving feelings for Saint, so by that logic, I’d never have dated anyone, and I’d have become an old spinster lady with fifteen cats.

“Speaking of other boyfriends,” he said slowly and with a slight wince.

“What about them?” I had no idea what he was trying to hint at.

“Remember Ian?”

“The douchebag who was on your app and left me for some rich, old lady he had been messaging for weeks? Yeah, I remember,” I said with a frown.

Even though Ian had vehemently denied setting up the initial profile, he still met some of the women he’d matched with behind my back, eventually breaking up with me for one of them, who had claimed she didn’t care that he wasn’t wealthy enough to be on it in the first place. She’d wanted a man’s undivided attention, and he had been more than willing to give it to her.

“I’m the one who made his profile.”

“What?” I asked with a half-laugh. “That was you? I always thought it was Davey.”

“I know. He told me that today.” Saint placed his hand on top of my thigh and squeezed before keeping it there. I liked the way it felt.

“Why did you do it?” I asked, wondering how I’d never put those particular pieces together, but then again, I never thought Saint liked me as more than a friend, so I never even thought it was his doing.

“Because he was lasting too long. You weren’t going to break up with him.”

I laughed hard then before calming down. “Yes, I would have. I mean, eventually. I always did.”

“No one had ever stuck around that long before. I needed to make him go away before he proposed or something.”

Placing my hand on top of his, I interlaced our fingers and tried to hide my smile. I felt so satisfied to know that he was just as crazy about me as I was about him. “You know, some might classify that behavior as obsessive or unhealthy, Saint.”

“I call it creative interference,” he said with a grin, mimicking my response from last night.

I leaned toward him, and our lips pressed together. If it were anyone else in the world, I would have thought they were batshit crazy and steered clear of them. But this was Saint LaCroix we were talking about, the guy who had loved me almost as long as I’d loved him, but unlike me, he’d had to hide his feelings and pretend like he didn’t have them. I couldn’t blame him for getting creative.

“One more thing,” he said, putting up a finger, and I gave him a look that told him to keep going. “I talked to your parents earlier. That’s what took me so long to get over here.”

Of all the things that Saint could have told me, I hadn’t even thought about that. My parents loved him, so I couldn’t imagine them having any issue whatsoever with us being a couple. But what if I was wrong?

“What’d they say?” I was suddenly curious as to their reaction or response.

A giant smile lit up his whole face, and both dimples appeared on his cheeks. “That it was about damn time and that I’d better not fuck it up or I’d be sorry.”

That sounded about right…on both fronts.

And I had to admit that I agreed with them even though I wasn’t even remotely worried. There was zero chance that either Saint or I would mess this up after taking so long to get to this place. I thought that when you finally figured out where you belonged and with who, you fought like hell to keep it.

Then, I remembered the fact that he’d ignored me all day long and not responded to my text, and for some reason, setting those boundaries felt important in this moment. “You could have texted me back, you know? That was a bit of a dick move.”
