Page 12 of The Holiday Dilemma

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“Well, I tried.” I shrugged. “Care for another coffee, ladies?” I asked, looking down at their empty mugs.

They both nodded. I made my way behind the counter and had just picked up the coffee pot when the door opened and Melinda walked in.

“What are you doing here? I thought I gave you the day off?” I giggled, coming around and refilling both mugs.

“You did. I got my errands done and was bored. So, I figured I’d come back in and help you get caught up on those Baking Crate orders.”

“I appreciate it. You know I can always use the help for those.” I smiled.

Trinity and Peggy had left shortly after three, each with a box of cinnamon buns. I looked out onto the street after they left; it was empty, so I turned the open sign off. The snow was really coming down now, to the point I could barely see across the street, and I hadn’t seen anyone aside from the two of them in over three hours.

Melinda and I worked side-by-side the rest of the afternoon, listening to Christmas music while baking cookies, croissants, and donuts, until all orders for Baking Crate had been filled.

“Did you respond toFestive Treasures?” Melinda asked as she boxed up the last dozen cookies and began working on the donuts.

“I did. I finally firmed up my decision to enter the cinnamon buns. I am hoping to have Cici fully trained in time for you to help me with the contest. Tomorrow is her first full shift, so we will see how she makes out running the counter.”

“I think she will do amazing,” Melinda said, putting together two more boxes and filling them while I labeled them all for shipping.

“I hope so because I am going to need to rely on you to make sure the bakery runs while I am prepping for this contest. Not just that, but I am also going to need an assistant for all events of this contest.”

“I’m your girl.”

* * *

The Crispy Biscuit was full by eight the next morning. It had been a good thing that Melinda had come in yesterday, after all, because after the storm, today we were swamped. Between breakfast orders and baking, the three of us hadn’t stopped all morning.

Thomas had stopped in early to grab a coffees and muffins for him and Trinity, stating how busy the bookstore was as well. It seemed that the upcoming contest had brought a lot of people into Willow Valley.

“Did you hear? Apparently, the magazine people have arrived,” Amanda, one of my regulars, told me as I refilled her coffee.

“That is exciting!” Melinda squealed as she walked by carrying some plates back to the kitchen.

“Yep, they rolled in about an hour ago. They are staying over at the old bed and breakfast on the other side of town,” Amanda told us matter-of-factly.

“Oh, that old place?” Melinda questioned. “It’s beautiful but it’s going to need some updates and soon.”

“From what I’ve heard, it’s going to be sold soon,” Amanda said.

“Really? Harry and Bessy aren’t going to do the renovations on it?” I questioned. They’d owned the Willow Valley Bed and Breakfast since I’d been a little girl.

“Who knows.” Amanda shrugged. “Harry’s health hasn’t been too good, and I think it’s a lot on Bessy to run it alone most days.”

Just then I noticed a van marked withFestive Treasureson the side pull up outside the bakery. A woman got out of the front, followed by a man with a camera. Excitement ran through me as I watched them both pull equipment from the back. I hadn’t been expecting them to arrive today, even though I knew they usually did a full-page interview with each of the contestants. I smiled at Amanda and then continued to watch as they made their way to the front door and pulled it open.

“Can I help you?” Melinda asked, going over to them.

“Yes, we are here fromFestive Treasuresto do a piece on Brooke Kinley for the contest.”

Melinda clapped her hands with excitement and turned to look at me.

I smiled. “I’m Brooke Kinley.”

“Wonderful. Can we take a seat somewhere? We have some questions we’d like to ask you.”


I had been annoyed the instant I’d stepped foot into this small town. I was used to staying at the Four Seasons, and this was the farthest away from that. I stood just inside the door to my room at the Willow Valley Bed and Breakfast and looked around. Everything about it was outdated and small. How they expected me to spend eleven days here I had no clue. I placed my suitcase on the bed and then took my laptop over to the small antique desk, setting it up.
