Page 17 of The Holiday Dilemma

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“If you knew him like I know him, there isn’t a nice bone in his body. He only does things to protect one person, himself.”

I looked out the window as we drove through Willow Valley. Christmas lights sparkled against the falling snow, and all storefronts looked almost magical. Even though I was feeling down about everything, this ride had lifted my spirits a little. I watched as Melinda drove. She was headed toward my home, and I frowned.

“Are you dropping him off first?” I questioned?

Melinda shook her head. “No, I figured you’d want to get home and get settled first. So…”

The last thing I wanted was for Tristan Ryan to set foot into my home. “No, I’m okay, we can take Tristan back to the inn first.”

“Nonsense, we will get you settled first,” he said from the back seat.

My jaw clenched at the sound of his voice. He’d been really quiet during the entire ride back into Willow Valley, and I’d really hoped he’d continue to be.

I was about to protest again when Melinda pulled the car into my small driveway and came to a stop right in front of my little house that was tucked in behind The Crispy Biscuit.

I let out a sigh as both of them got out of the car first and watched as they walked around the front to my side. Tristan opened the door and held his hand out for me to take. I didn’t want help from him so I shoved his hand out of the way. “I can do it,” I barked.

“Suit yourself.” He took a step back, giving me room to climb out of the car.

I placed both hands on the sides of the car and tried to pull myself out. I tried to push off with my good foot, only to realize that I’d be putting pressure on my sprained one, then I tried to switch and stopped immediately.

“Having trouble?” he asked, leaning down and looking into the car at me.

“No.” I frowned. Was he making fun of me? I sucked in a breath as he stood there looking at me. I didn’t want to do it, but I knew I had to ask for his help. “Just give me your hand.”

“What? Is Brooke Kinley actually asking for my help?” he asked, holding his hand to his chest.

I glared at him as a gust of wind blew more snow around. “Seriously, just give me your hand.”

He held his large hand out for me to take, and as I slid forward, he wrapped his other arm securely around my waist, practically lifting me out of the car. Immediately, I placed one hand on the car door and the other on the car, expecting him to let me go, only he didn’t.

“You can let me go now,” I grumbled.

“I can? Exactly how do you expect to get from here to the house?”

I looked at the ground. It was covered in deep snow, and no doubt underneath was a layer of ice. “Crutches,” I blurted.

“I don’t think you should, Brooke. It’s slippery,” Melinda said, sliding as she returned from unlocking the front door. “What if you fall?”

“I won’t. Now, the crutches please.” I looked to Melinda, waiting for her to get them from the trunk of the car. She glanced to Tristan and then back to me and then went to the trunk and pulled them out, handing them to me.

I had barely taken two steps when one of the crutches slipped out from underneath me. I let out a scream, and Tristan grabbed me just before I went down. I leaned back against his chest, trying hard to compose myself and stop shaking.

“Okay, are you finished being stubborn now?” he asked, his breath tickling my ear.

I clenched my jaw and nodded my head. The cocky smile I remembered appeared as he slowly let me go. He wrapped one arm around my waist and carefully guided me to the door.


I stepped inside and looked around at Brooke’s small home. Everything was neatly organized and mostly decorated for Christmas. It had one thing that my place did not, nor any home I’d grown up in: a feeling of home, of warmth. Even though it appeared that everything had its place, it still felt lived in, whereas mine had always felt like a museum. I thought back to my two-bedroom New York apartment and realized it still felt that way.

“You can just put my coat on the back of the dining room chair,” Brooke said as she shrugged out of her winter coat. Melinda struggled to grab her coat and hold onto Brooke at the same time, so I quickly reached and took the coat.

“Did you want to get changed?” Melinda questioned.

“Yes, and I’d really love a cup of tea,” Brooke said.

Melinda turned toward me. “Do you think you could make her a cup of tea while I help her get changed?”
