Page 24 of The Holiday Dilemma

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I swallowed hard. I was already exhausted and it had been one day. I had no idea what it was going to be like tomorrow, since today had been one of the worst days of my life. I turned to the machine I was loading the trays in to be washed and continued on while Melinda walked out the back door.


It had been three days since Tristan had been here. Three entire days of The Crispy Biscuit being run by one person I trusted immensely and one that I wouldn’t trust to with even a small remedial task.

I’d watched the traffic come and go. Everyone in Willow Valley was gearing up for Christmas. Parties, family dinners, and client appreciation gifts should be flying out the door every single second, and it was killing me that I had absolutely no idea what condition they were leaving in. I knew I could trust Melinda. I had taught her my style of care and perfection. Tristan, however, was another story.

I sat with my computer in front of me, trying to figure out how to get back to work without the worry of crutches. They were just too slippery to be used on a floor that was covered in flour. I’d opened the browser to a company that sold knee scooters. I watched a couple of videos and decided that this was my answer. I pulled out my credit card and input the information and hit purchase. There was no way I could continue to sit over here panicking.

I grabbed the bottle of wine Tristan had pulled out for me and poured more into my glass, then I pulled the blanket off the back of the chair and threw it over my legs, reclining back. I grabbed my book and began reading where I’d left off. Tristan had gone over to the inn to see his boss. He said they were having a meeting before the contest and he had to turn in a couple of articles he’d been working on, so I finally had some time to myself.

I had just gotten into the book when the phone let out a shrill ring.

“Hello,” I said into the receiver.

“Hey it’s me. How is it going?” Melinda asked.

“Well, I’m going to go crazy,” I cried. “How did it go today?” I prayed that it had gone better than I feared.

“Oh, it was…shall we say interesting.” Melinda giggled.

“What happened now?” Melinda had sent me a text after the first day Tristan had worked with her telling me all about the chocolate chip cookie disaster, and every single disaster after that.

“It’s almost as if the guy has no regard for the work he does. I’m shocked he’s been able to hold a job as long as he has atFestive Treasures,” Melinda said.

“I told you.” I laughed. I had no idea why I was laughing. There was nothing about my situation that was funny.

“I know you did. Although, he does have one thing going for him: he is kinda cute.” Melinda giggled.

It was sad to say but she was right, he was cute. However, his looks were all Tristan had going for him. “I can say the first time I ran into him I thought he was good looking, until he spoke, that is.” We both laughed.

“Honestly, Brooke, he is trying to help. I’ve just been giving him small jobs that I don’t have time for. I’ve been doing all the baking. He’s been the one boxing the orders, but I’ve checked them all.”

“Well, thank God for you doing all the baking. At least I know the people are getting the treats they are used to.” I giggled.

“Seriously though, maybe you need to give the guy a bit of a break. He is stepping up.”

I thought for a second. My only issue was I didn’t know why he was stepping up. He literally owed me nothing, and well, I just had a sinking feeling he wasn’t doing it because he felt bad.

“He’s been good to you, right?”

“Yes, he has. He’s made sure that all my needs are taken care of.”

“See, give him a bit of a break. Put some faith into the situation.”

I couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh are you saying I should give him a break by tripping him.”

“Brooke! No! The way your luck is, you’d end up getting nabbed for assault or something.” Melinda laughed.

“Yeah, you’re probably right. He’s actually lucky that I’m not suing him over this!”

“Well, you can’t sue over an accident.”

I grew quiet, thinking of the competition coming up. I had no idea how I was going to enter that now. I wouldn’t be able to hobble up the stairs. I let out a sigh.

“What is it?”

“Oh I was just thinking of the competition, how I am going to have to let the dream of getting first place go for this year. It’s just not going to be possible.”
