Page 29 of The Holiday Dilemma

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I quietly wheeled myself into the kitchen and turned the kettle on. I didn’t want to be caught staring at him if he woke up. I pulled a mug from the cupboard, along with a teabag, and stood waiting for it to boil and popped a bagel into the toaster. I looked out the kitchen window. A fresh blanket of snow lay in the driveway, and it looked deep. It would be a challenge getting this scooter through that, I thought to myself, hoping I would be able to get over there before Tristan woke up.

I’d just sat down and taken a bite of my bagel when Tristan appeared in the doorway. I’d only turned on the small light over the stove, so he probably wasn’t expecting me to be there. He stood there, his hair a mess, running his hand over his face, in nothing but boxers. I could see the outline of his semi-hard cock and couldn’t help but take in his flexed abs as he stretched.

With my hand holding the bagel to my mouth, I felt like I was completely frozen at the sight in front of me. As his eyes met mine, I prayed I wasn’t drooling.

“Good morning,” he said, coming into the kitchen and going over to the cupboard to pull out his own mug along with the instant coffee.

I didn’t answer him. I just sat there staring. What the hell was wrong with me all of a sudden? It was as if one look at him like this was enough to erase all that he’d done. I swallowed hard and tore my eyes away from him. “Morning,” I said, taking a bite of my bagel.

“Sleep well?” he questioned.

“Yeah, about that…” I said, almost choking on the food that had been in my mouth. “I um, don’t remember going to bed.”

He chuckled. “That’s because you didn’t. I stayed at the bakery late, preparing for today,” he said, bringing his coffee over to the table and sitting down across from me. “When I got back, you were sound asleep on the couch. So I got you ready for bed.”

Horrified, I looked at him. “You did what?”

“Relax, it’s not like I haven’t seen a naked woman before.” There was that cocky grin again.

My mouth dropped at his words, and suddenly, I wanted to die. Not because he had seen me naked, but because I’d remembered getting dressed yesterday morning and my bra and panties hadn’t matched.They were supposed to match weren’t they?

“Although, I will say, I’ve never seen a grown woman with little pink bunnies on her panties before,” he said as he took a sip. “Puppy dog Christmas pajamas, bunny panties, what other animal attire you have in that drawer?”

I had never wanted to curl up in a hole and die as badly as I did right now. I’d been slumming it for a couple of days, and the one day that I just pulled whatever out of the drawer to put under my yoga pants had been the day I’d decided to drink a bottle of wine and pass out.

“It was sort of cute. Kind of turned me on a little.” He winked.

“Just stop talking,” I gritted, hiding my red cheeks behind my hands.

“There’s nothing to embarrassed about.” He chuckled. “You are an attractive woman.”

“I’m not embarrassed. I’m…I’m…”

“Oh? You’re not? Because the red cheeks say otherwise?”

“No, I’m irritated. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get over there,” I said, getting up from the table, wishing that he wasn’t watching my every move.

“I’ll be over shortly. I’m just gonna take a shower.”

“You do whatever you need to do.”

“In that case, I may be a little late!”

“Why on earth would you be late? You have plenty of time,” I said, reaching for my scooter.

“I like to take my time when I relieve some tension.”

My head spun so fast I feared I’d get whiplash. One look at his face and I could feel the heat running through my body.

“And you’re blushing again.” He chuckled, reaching over to my plate and taking a bite of my bagel.

“I’m leaving now,” I said, scooting out of the room as fast as I could. I’d never been so happy to have the cold morning air hit my face as I was today. I’d been on fire in that kitchen, and I’d wanted to die at the thought of him seeing me naked.

* * *

I was shocked to find that Tristan had cleaned the entire place top to bottom and had gotten everything organized for baking this morning. I’d quickly looked over everything and was surprised to find that each order had been accounted for and had been perfectly batched together by recipe. I’d stopped in my tracks when I went to head to the pantry to find that he had even baked all the Grinch Crinkle Cookies, and he’d even made extras to put out in the display.

I took one of the cookies from the cooling rack and popped it into my mouth. They tasted exactly like mine, and as I chewed it, tears came to my eyes. I was about to grab another one when I heard the back door open and close and heard voices. I quickly made my way into the pantry.
