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“His name is Tristan…and he’s…”

I held my hand out, stopping her from reading any further. “Please…I don’t care. Now let’s go and have our coffee.” I smiled and carefully pulled the door open and stepped inside.

As the last few weeks of summer rolled on, I knew school would be starting. I’d gone shopping for some school supplies and hopped off the bus and swung my book bag over my shoulder. I glanced at my watch. I still had a few hours to kill before I had to be anywhere. Plenty of time to grab a coffee and perhaps a snack, I thought to myself, realizing I’d not eaten all day. I pulled open the door to the same coffee shop Emily and I had visited, this time careful to check and make sure no one was coming out. I hadn’t been back there since I’d run into the handsome stranger.

I stepped inside and took a deep breath, the smell of freshly brewed coffee hitting me. It had been my favorite smell since I’d been a small child, helping my mom on the weekends at The Crispy Biscuit. I stepped up to the counter and waited, while the girl dumped a fresh pot of water into the coffeemaker.

“Can I help you?”

“I’ll have a large coffee, two sugars, one cream please,” I said, reaching into my pocket and pulling out some money. “And a blueberry muffin,” I added, eying the large muffins in the display case.

“Well, here she is. She shows up again, but sadly never called,” I heard a deep voice from behind me say.

I turned abruptly and came face-to-face with the gorgeous man I’d run into only a few weeks earlier. I softly smiled. “I misplaced your number,” I lied.

“You probably threw it away, like most women I meet.” He laughed, then winked. “Care to join me for a bite. I have about an hour or so before I have to be anywhere.”

I met his eyes, not answering him. Did women really do that? Throw away his number the instant they got it. There was no way I could believe that. He seemed far too nice for them to do that.

“Lila? Wasn’t it?” he asked. “You don’t have to, if you’d prefer not to.”

I nodded. “No, I think that would be nice,” I answered just as the girl placed my coffee and muffin on the counter.

“That will be five fifty,” she said.

“Here, let me. Add my order as well, thanks,” he said, removing his wallet from his back pocket and pulling out a twenty.

The girl behind the counter met my eyes and softly smiled. I picked my coffee up and made my way over to a small table in the corner and sat down, while he ordered. Then I watched as he too carried his order over and took a seat across from me.

The conversation flowed easily. We spoke of nothing personal at first. In fact, I still didn’t even know his full name, and he still thought mine was Lila. It was funny how I’d gotten lost in his eyes and his voice, and soon the conversation shifted from casual to personal. I thought nothing of it and sat there answering his questions, until he asked the one that made my stomach tingle.

“So, Lila, are you seeing anyone?” he asked with curiosity and a hint of hope in his eyes.

I didn’t know why the question surprised me. I had seen the way he’d been looking at me for the past half hour. Yet I sat there shocked, shaking my head. “No, I’m single. What about you?” I questioned, swallowing hard.

He shrugged. “Not really. I just arrived in this city two months ago. Haven’t really had too much time to meet anyone,” he answered, glancing at his watch.

I too glanced at mine and realized I was late for my yoga class. “Shit,” I muttered under my breath.

“What is it?”

“I’m late. I was supposed to meet my friend for yoga class.” I shrugged.

“Just so happens I’m late as well,” he said, crumpling his muffin wrapper in his large, strong hands.

He smiled, and suddenly I’d wished I’d told him my real name, but now it was too late. I’d just have to leave it. It wasn’t as if I’d planned on seeing him again.

“Well, Lila, thank you for the company. I hope to see you around sometime. Would it be okay if I called you sometime?” he questioned sliding out of his chair and standing.

“Sure, I guess,” I said, sliding out of the seat this time. He placed his business card down on the table and pulled a pen from his suit jacket. I quickly scribbled down my cell number and handed him back his pen. This time, unlike the last, he didn’t leave me his card. Instead, he picked up the one I’d put my number on and winked as he shoved it into his pocket. “I’ll call you,” he said, giving me that sexy smile, then placing his hand on my lower back he guided me to the door


* * *

Four weeks later, I stood outside of the school and looked up at the huge sign that hung across the front of the main building. I was beyond excited to be here and to be starting my first day of class. Tasty Temptations was one of the top cooking schools, and since I had enjoyed and passed a few cooking courses in the spring at a small school in Willow Valley, I’d decided to come here and complete their pastry course. If all went well and I liked it here, I would proceed with their culinary course.

I walked up the steps and into the main building and found Room 249 and pulled the door open to find the class was just about full. The instructor sat behind her desk going over what I assumed were her notes for the day. She glanced my way, smiled, and then stood.
