Page 51 of The Holiday Dilemma

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“That isn’t the problem. I was driving out there, and well, I got a flat.”

“Ah, so fix it.”

“I’m trying. It’s just, I’m in a small town, and well, they can’t get the tire I need until after New Year’s.”

The phone went quiet. “Well then get to a bigger town or get on a flight.”

“Look, I’m not near an airport. You’re going to have to work with me on this. It’s sort of out of my control.”

Again the line went quiet. I had no idea if he was still there or not. Then I heard him clear his throat. “Tristan, do you want this job?”

“Very much so.”

“Then I suggest you do whatever is in your power to get here. Do I make myself clear.”

“Lance, you’re not being fair. I was on my way out. It’s just my hands are tied. My contract date wasn’t until after the New Year anyways. You’re just going to have to give me a little more time.”

“We need someone here who is flexible, Tristan. Things change at the speed of light in this industry. Listen, you let me know what you want to do. I take it if I don’t see you here on the thirtieth that you’ve decided not to take the job and I will move on to the next candidate.”

Even at her worst, Vicki had never given me an ultimatum. Irritation lined my body. Everything inside of me screamed that this wasn’t what I wanted. I looked up to the sky, then around the small town.

“I’ll do my best,” I gritted, then hung up the phone.

I pocketed my phone and looked around, wondering what to do next, when I saw the postal truck across the street. The driver’s seat was empty, and then I saw Fred walking down the driveway. I looked both ways and made my way over to the truck, leaning up against the driver’s side.

Fred had just gotten to the end of the driveway when he looked up and saw me standing there. “It can’t be,” he said.

“Hey, Fred.”

“Tristan, what the hell are you doing here?” he asked, shaking my hand.

“Ah, you know. I was on my way out to LA when I had to take a detour. I was driving down some stone road when I got a flat. The tow truck brought me here.”

“That so! Where you staying?”

“Ah, just over at the inn. They said I could check in a little later this afternoon. I came over to see when I could get a tire. Then I was going to make my way over to see Brooke.”

“Ah, I see. So you haven’t been over to see her yet?”

I shook my head.

“Well, you won’t find her at home,” Fred replied.

“Oh? She over at Melinda’s?”

“She, um, had to leave town. I was doing a couple last-minute deliveries for her.”

“What happened?” I asked, worry lining my voice.

“How about I take you over to Melinda’s. It’s probably better that she explain it. Hop in,” he said, tilting his head toward the passenger’s side.

I ran around the truck and climbed up, while he climbed into the driver’s side.

* * *

I sat in Melinda’s small living room and waited while she made us coffee. She carried a tray with two mugs from The Crispy Biscuit along with a plate of cookies and set it down on the small round coffee table in front of us.

“It sure was a surprise to see you at my door,” she said, smiling as she sat down and took her mug.
