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“I haven’t checked, but I’m sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now?”

“A little sore, but I took part in some rehabilitation programs when I returned, and they helped a lot.”

“That’s great,” I said, staring back at him, still shocked he was standing in front of me.

Again, the silence grew stronger as I stood across from Ethan. His eyes against his dark hair and complexion stood out. It was almost hard to look away. They were mesmerizing. He’d mentioned that in one of his letters, but I figured he was exaggerating. He was not. I felt as if I were frozen to the spot, and then I remembered he’d wanted flowers. I cleared my throat. “So, the flowers?”

“Yes. They are for someone special,” he said, watching me intently.

“Okay, um. Let’s see.” I stepped toward the cooler door and pulled the bucket of multi-coloured pink roses along with some greenery and baby’s breath. I focused on what I was doing so that my hands wouldn’t shake. I carried the bucket to the counter and began building a bouquet.”

“Ah, pink roses. Seems fitting, as that was where we left off in the lessons of roses,” he said.

“Oh, did you want another colour? What would be better?” I questioned, leaving the roses to go for a different one.

“No, no, they are perfect,” he said, smiling.

I nodded and continued putting together the flowers. Once finished, I looked at Ethan and held up the full vase. “How is this?”

“Gorgeous,” he whispered, his eyes meeting mine.

I swallowed hard, trying to calm my nerves. “Now for the card.” I reached for one of the small notecards and a pen. “What would you like it to say?”

Ethan stood there for a moment, still watching me, and then he cleared his throat. “Melinda, to new beginnings.”

I’d begun writing the instant he started talking, and I paused when I got to the end of the little note and the words registered. Melinda? There was only one Melinda in Willow Valley, and she had to be twenty years younger than he was, if not more. I looked up at him, a look of confusion on my face.

“Love, Dad,” Ethan finished, grinning at me.

“You’re…you’re Melinda’s father?” I questioned, shocked at the information I’d just found out. Melinda had rarely spoken of her father, until the pen pal program began. Until then, all we knew was that she’d lost her mother, and that her father was in the military, but that was all.

“I am. Who did you think I was, her boyfriend?” Ethan laughed.

His laugh was just as I’d imagined. “Oh goodness, I don’t know what I was thinking,” I said, feeling my cheeks heat as I smiled and met his eyes. The room grew quiet once again.

“You know, you’re really pretty when you smile. I mean, you’re beautiful anyway, but when you smile, wow, you light up the room,” he said, his eyes dancing.

I didn’t know how to respond. Instead, nerves fluttered through me. I reached for some hot-pink ribbon and cut a piece from the spool. With shaking hands, I began tying it around the neck of the vase, then placed the card in a holder and shoved it inside.

“Well, welcome to Willow Valley,” I said, knowing full well my cheeks were the same hue as those roses. I could barely look at him. I wasn’t used to compliments, at least not from such a handsome man.

“Well, Peggy, I won’t keep you. I know that it’s closing time. What do I owe you for the flowers?”

I waved my hand in front of my face and shook my head. “Those are on the house. It’s the least I can do for you.”

Ethan stood there still watching me as he reached behind him and pulled his wallet out from his pocket. He flipped it open and pulled money out and dropped forty dollars onto the counter. “Well then, this is a tip for a very generous flower shop owner. Who I very much look forward to getting to know better in the coming days. If she is interested, that is?”

I stood there shocked at his words, as his eyes fell to the floor and climbed up my body before grabbing the vase. When he left the store, I walked over to the front window and watched as he walked down the street. I swallowed hard, not believing that Ethan Alexander had really been standing in my store. “I’d love to get to know you, too,” I whispered, a little too late for him to hear, and with shaking hands, I reached for the lock on the door.

* * *

I practically ran down the street on my way over to see Trinity. Out of breath, I banged on the front window of Bluebird Books. Startled, Trinity looked up, a look of relief coming over her face when she saw me. I’d called her earlier in a panic after Ethan had left, begging to come and see her. I was rambling so much she probably had no clue what I was even talking about. She stepped out from behind the counter, rushed over and unlocked the door, letting me inside. Luna slept soundly on the top of the chair, her usual spot, and I patted her head as I walked past her.

“All right, do you want to tell me what the panic was all about?” Trinity questioned, emptying the last of the coffee from the pot into two cups. “You called me up and acted as if the shop had just been robbed. I’ve been on pins and needles waiting for you to get here. In fact, had you not of shown up in a few minutes, I was going to send Thomas over to make sure you were okay,” she said, worry filling her eyes.

I ran my fingers through my hair and looked at my best friend.

“Well, are going to say something?” Trinity asked again. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
