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“I could see that. I guess I was lucky because I already had two lives that I knew. I was just giving one up that I’d never see again, but I was going to spend time with my other family, which in some ways felt more like home than life with my wife. I know what you’re going to say, that it doesn’t sound like things were good between us, but they were.”

“Oh, I’d never say that. I’m not one to judge. Relationships, no matter how good they are, all have their difficulties.”

“That they do and thank you for not being judgmental. Oh, and I made reservations for eight. That was the earliest I could get us in,” I said as we walked down the front steps and by my car.

“Is this the car I’ve heard so much about?” he questioned as we stood there looking at my rusted-out vehicle.

“It is. It needs some repair work, too,” I said. “It also just started making a funny noise a week ago.”

“What does it sound like?”

“Oh, I can’t explain it.” I shrugged. “I was never good at that.”

“Well, I’d be happy to take a listen if you’d like.”

“Thanks.” I softly smiled at him. “I appreciate that, but to be honest, I’m a little scared at what it might be.”

“That’s understandable. Car repairs can be costly.” He nodded as he led me to his car. “What year is it?” he asked, opening the door for me to climb in.

“It’s almost nine years old,” I said as I pulled the belt across me.

Ethan nodded, closed my door, and walked his way around the car and climbed in. “Well, Peggy, there comes a time when you need to decide if the repair is worth it. Perhaps it’s time to get a new car. I mean, you mentioned in one of your letters that it needed some repairs a few months ago. I recall you telling me those too cost a hefty price.”

“I know. I’m thinking about it. I’m just a creature of habit.”

Ethan backed out of my driveway and headed toward the main street. I glanced at my watch, noticing we’d only been together for ten minutes. It was a long while until we hit our reservation time. I cleared my throat. “So, what did you want to do before we head to the restaurant?”

“Well, I thought perhaps you could take me and introduce me to your friend, Trinity. I’d love to check out her bookstore. I’m in need of a new read.”

Oh, how I wished he didn’t ask me that, yet I still guided him over to Bluebird Books, where he parked in front of the store.

He came around to my side of the car and helped me out, then placed his hand on my lower back as he guided me to the store. I pulled the door open, and we both stepped inside, only to hear Trinity call from the back, “Be out in a minute.”

“The thriller section is right here,” I said, nodding to the wall of books just inside the door.

“Look at that. It is right next to the romance section. Might be kismet.” He winked, pulling me against him.

I smiled and was about to say something when I heard a box fall to the floor and turned to see Trinity standing there, her hair a mess, her clothes covered in a layer of dust, looking frazzled.

“What on earth?” I cried, rushing over to help her.

“Oh, don’t mind me. I lost my grip on the box. I’ve been digging around again in that back room.” She laughed as she wiped the layers of dust off her clothing, then took notice of Ethan. “Oh, you must be Ethan.” Trinity stepped over the mess on the floor and came around the counter to shake his hand, while I bent down to pick up the books that had fallen out of the box.

“You must be Trinity. I’ve heard lots about you.”

“All good I hope,” she said, smiling as she glanced over at me. “Peggy, leave the mess. Don’t get your dress dirty,” Trinity said, rushing over and knocking the books from my hand.

“Of course. Peggy speaks highly of you.”

“Ethan needs another thriller to read,” I said, trying to get their conversation to stop immediately. “So, I thought I’d bring him here.”

“You better bring him here,” Trinity said, placing her hand on her hips, giving me a look. “I wouldn’t be very happy with you if you took him somewhere else.”

“Well, you can be happy with me, because I brought him here.”

“Of course, you did. Now, Thomas, my boyfriend, just finished reading this one.” She went over to a shelf and pulled off a title, handing it to Ethan. “He told me it was one of Daniel Blizzard’s best books yet.”

“Ah yes, I’ve read his stuff before. I’ll take it,” Ethan said, stepping up to the counter.
