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I sat in the large dining room of the Willow Valley Bed and Breakfast, a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me as I looked out over the large pond behind the house. It was a peaceful morning. Most guests weren’t up yet, allowing me to have my breakfast in peace, which I was grateful for. I’d had a lot on my mind this morning after last night’s date.

I already knew I’d like her. I’d been able to tell just from her letters. Then, when I’d first laid my eyes on her, I’d realized she wasn’t only smart and had a kind heart, but she was gorgeous as well. I’d wanted to kiss her so badly last night, but I also didn’t want to chase her away, so I’d settled for a small kiss on the cheek.

“Isn’t breakfast to your liking, Ethan?” I heard Bessy ask as she refilled my coffee.

“No, it’s wonderful. Just enjoying the morning scenery,” I replied as I watched two mallards land on the pond and swim around.

“It is, isn’t it?” she said, watching as well. “Those birds come here every morning. Swim for a bit and then they fly off. In previous years, they’ve nested here. I’m guessing with the increase in people fishing and picnicking in the area, they have decided it’s not safe for them anymore. Then in the fall we are always visited by some deer, although last fall I only saw them twice.”

“That’s too bad.”

Just then, two more of the guests appeared in the doorway and began loading their plates with food. Bessy excused herself and made her way to the table they chose and filled their mugs with coffee. I dug into my eggs and continued looking out the window, going back to my thoughts of last night. It was close to seven by the time I’d finished breakfast. I had to get Melinda’s car back to her.

Fully gassed up, I pulled into her driveway and parked her car where it had been parked when I took it last night and made my way up the stairs to her apartment door. I knocked and waited.

“Dad? What are you doing here so early?” she questioned as she looked out at me.

“Early? Ha. I’ve been up since four.” I chuckled.

“Oh, I forgot. Up with the sunrise.” She shrugged and smiled as she opened the door farther, inviting me inside. “Come in. You know it wouldn’t hurt you to sleep in.” She laughed.

“I apparently don’t do that very well.” I stepped into her apartment and glanced around. She decorated just like her mother did. It was a comfortable environment, and it felt peaceful. Everything had its place, with no clutter, so the place was practically spotless.

“Thank you for allowing me to borrow your car. I filled the tank for you,” I said, placing her key in her hand.

“Oh, Dad, I was only kidding, but thank you.” She smiled. “Want to come in? I just put on a fresh pot of coffee.”

“Sure.” I slipped my shoes off and followed her over to the small kitchen table. “Nice place you have here,” I said, glancing around.

“Thanks. Would you like the grand tour?”


Melinda smiled. “Well, this is the kitchen.”

I chuckled. “You are such a smart-ass. Reminds me so much of your mother.”

“Good thing I got her sense of humor.”

I laughed again. “Sure is, kid.” I could tell she was incredibly proud of her place.

“Okay, and this is my living room. I watch TV and read here. Over here is my little writing desk. Brooke has given me the task of coming up with a new recipe for the bakery counter. It’s not going very well, as you can see.” She giggled, picking up a pile of papers that had been scribbled on and dropping them back to the desk.

“You can do it,” I replied. “I’m also happy to be the guinea pig anytime.”

“Be careful what you wish for. In here is my room, and over there is another bedroom. Right now, it’s got a spare bed in there, but I am thinking of turning it into an office or something equally exciting, like a craft room.”

“Hey. Wait a minute. You have a spare room, and your old man is staying in a bed-and-breakfast? What the hell, kid.”

Melinda laughed, causing me to laugh. “Dad, I like my space. Don’t even think about it. You would not want to live with me.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle again. “There, you finally have some of me in there. I hoped I’d find it.” I laughed. “Don’t worry, I love my space, too,” I said, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her in for a half hug.

Melinda grew quiet and held her hands behind her back, swinging her hips. I could tell she had something on her mind.

“What is it?” I questioned.

“Dad, do you think you are going to look for a place here?” Melinda questioned, leading me back to the kitchen, where she pulled out two mugs from her cupboard.
