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“So, Ethan, have you decided about staying in Willow Valley yet?” Thomas questioned.

The four of us sat on a blanket underneath two large willow trees, a plate of fries still in front of us. It was the only place we’d found out of the way of the crowds where the four of us could have lunch.

Over the past four weeks, Ethan and I had grown closer than I’d thought possible. While he still had his room at the Willow Valley Bed and Breakfast, he had spent a few nights at my place on my couch. It had become a normal occurrence, especially after he spent the day helping me with some chores around the house that I wasn’t able to do myself.

“I have. I’ve decided this is where I’d like to settle down.”

“I think we are going to look next week for a place for Ethan.” I leaned forward and grabbed a couple of fries from the plate in front of us.

“That’s wonderful,” Trinity said. “Melinda must be very excited that you’ve decided to stay as well.”

“She is. She’s been asking since I arrived. Couldn’t keep stringing her along much longer.”

Thomas smiled. “Well, you know, Peggy keeps telling me how good you are with carpentry after she saw Peggy’s kitchen cupboard that you worked on. If you are interested, I can always use some help at the shop. I mean, after you get settled into your new place, that is.”

“That would be great. It will keep me busy. As soon as I get settled into a place, then count me in,” Ethan replied.

Ethan and Thomas had developed quite a friendship over the past four weeks as well. We’d shared numerous dinners together and had gone on a couple of day trips together. Trinity and I were glad of that; they’d even started joining us a morning a month for our Tuesday morning breakfast meetups.

“So, have you started looking at any places?” Trinity asked.

Ethan looked over at me and placed his hand on my upper leg. I nodded. “I grabbed a couple real estate magazines at The Crispy Biscuit the other day. We went through them last night. There were a few places Ethan was interested in. But to go and see them, no.”

Trinity cleared her throat after taking a sip of her pop. “You know, I heard that the little cottage out on Willow Valley Bay is finally for sale. I don’t know if they listed it publicly yet, but you really should go out and peek at that place. It’s old, and may even need some work, but I remember dreaming of living there when I was a kid.”

“I never saw it listed,” I said, looking at Ethan, who was shaking his head. I was pretty sure I knew the place Trinity was talking about. “It’s that cottage style home, isn’t it? It’s been empty for a while now?”

“Yes, that is the one.” Trinity nodded.

“It sounds like something I would like. I love to spend my mornings looking out over the small pond behind the bed and breakfast. It’s so soothing.”

“Thomas, didn’t you tell me you thought Serenity had the listing?” Trinity questioned.

Thomas nodded. “I’m sure that is what I heard. Joe was the one who told me, I’m almost sure of it. Check with Serenity. I know that place will go fast if it hits the market. It was one of the most sought-after places out here when we were growing up.”

Ethan wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back between his legs. “I guess we will talk to Serenity,” he whispered into my ear.

“I guess we will.”

We’d finished the plate of fries when we noticed Brooke and Tristan walking across the field toward us, carrying a plate of something, along with a tray of coffee.

“There you guys are,” she said, placing the plate down on the ground. “Thought I would bring over some of those lemon blueberry scones you love before they are all gone.”

“Oh, my dear, you are a lifesaver,” I said, lifting the cover and taking out a scone.

“Good turnout this year. The flowers look amazing as well, Peggy.” Tristan smiled, sitting down on the ground, grabbing a scone and coffee.

“Um, what do you think you are doing?” Brooke questioned, her hands on her hips as she looked down at Tristan.

“Taking a much-deserved break. Exactly what you should be doing.” He winked, then grinned at all of us. “Melinda and Cici have the table. You can sit down for five minutes.”

The five of us laughed as Brooke shook her head and sat down on Tristan’s lap, joining us. “So, what are we talking about?” Brooke asked.

“About the small cottage on Willow Valley Bay,” Ethan said, taking a bite of my scone.

“Ah, yes, it just went up for sale. Serenity was telling me about it the other day,” Brooke said. “If only I didn’t have the bakery right in my front yard, I’d move there in a heartbeat. I’m sure it will go fast.”

* * *
