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“Are you keeping secrets from your man?” I asked, sitting down across from her, picking up the book she was reading and giving it a once-over.

“No, I just don’t want to let him know he can tell me a plot line and I’ll pick up the book. I’ll never get to read another romance otherwise.”

“That’s why I have Ethan talk to Thomas about books. I prefer my romances.”

“So, how are things going?” Trinity questioned, sipping her coffee. “You finally all settled in?”

“Couldn’t be better.” I smiled, then shifted in my seat. “Well, it would be better if we weren’t only in the beginning stages of upgrading my old place. Ethan wants to use it as a rental.”

“That’s a fantastic idea!”

“That’s what I thought as well. This experience, working together on that project, is also giving us time to work on our relationship and strengthen it.” I giggled.

“I bet it is. Renovations aren’t easy. I’ll tell you if you can navigate that, you two will be fine. Look at Thomas and I.”

It was true; they had survived the expansion of Bluebird Books, and now they were adding an addition to Thomas’s workshop.


“Still mad at me for making you take part in that program?”

I laughed to myself as Melinda stepped up to take our order. “Morning, ladies.”

“Morning, Melinda.” I smiled. “Your father says hello.”

“How’s the old man doing today?”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Ethan hated when she called him an old man. “He was heading over to help Thomas at the shop this morning when I left.”

“Yes, he told me he was going to help there. It will be good for him. Will you two be having the usual?”

Trinity and I both nodded and watched as Melinda made her way over to another table that had just come in.

I looked over at my best friend. Her heart had been in the right place. It just didn’t feel like it was at the beginning. I smiled. “I’m not mad. Honestly, I think it was the best decision you ever made, putting my letter in that box.”

“I’m glad.”

I looked up in time to see Brooke come out of the kitchen, her eyes red from what appeared to be crying. She whispered something to Melinda and Cici, wringing her hands together as she spoke. Each one of them wiping their eyes as she continued to speak.

“What is going on over there?” I whispered, making Trinity turn around and look over her shoulder.

“Whatever it is, it doesn’t appear to be good,” Trinity replied.

I glanced out the window and saw both Thomas and Ethan heading to the door of The Crispy Biscuit, both with concerned looks on their faces. Thomas came in first, glancing around for us, and once they found us, they came over to the table.

“What’s going on?” I asked, looking up at Ethan, who signaled for me to slide over, Thomas doing the same.

“Would you two please tell us what is going on?”

“We were out at Gabe’s to deliver the blanket boxes he ordered. He looked upset, so of course we asked. It’s Harry. He’s suffered a fall. Bessy had to close the inn.”

I looked over at Trinity and wrapped my arm through Ethan’s as tears filled my eyes.

“What?” I choked out, my throat tight with emotion at the thought of poor Harry and Bessy having to close the only thing they’d ever known. “Do you know anything else?”

Thomas shook his head. “Gabe didn’t know.”

I slid my hand into Ethan’s as he wrapped his arm around me and placed a kiss on my forehead.
