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I look forward to your next letter; I am going to count on you as my first connection outside of the Marines. Let’s learn together how to be friends with one another. No pressure on one another. If the mood strikes, we write a letter. If two months pass before one of us responds, that is okay too. Seriously, no pressure. I think perhaps we both need this.

I hope to hear from you, but if I don’t, trust me, I understand. I’ll be watching for the mail. If letters take too long, you can always email me. I’ll include my card in the envelope with that address for you.


I folded the letter and placed it on the table, debating what to do. Should I write back, should I not? I grabbed the envelope and found the small card inside with his email address on it. I flipped the card over in my hand and then grabbed the letter and went back over to my computer where I quickly put his email into my contacts. Then I went back to placing my flower order.

Weeks had passed, the store got busy, and soon I’d forgotten all about the letter. One afternoon, I was working on an order. I noticed the person who’d ordered had requested the arrangement contain honeysuckle. It was then I’d remembered the letter. I grabbed a handful from the cooler and smiled to myself as I finished the arrangement. I’d sat down at my small desk and picked up the little card and quickly wrote exactly what the client had asked, then set the arrangement aside for Carl to deliver.

When I sat back down at my desk and pulled out a few bills I was getting ready to pay, I found the letter from Ethan was the second item in the pile. I’d remembered bringing it with me one day to write back, and it had gotten lost in the mess of things on my desk. I stopped and read the letter again. Instead of paying the bills, I grabbed my notebook and pen and began writing my next letter, only five weeks later.


July 2023

“Mail call!” Sanders yelled. I placed my mug down on my small desk. I grabbed the pile of letters from Peggy and shoved them into my duffel bag. I hobbled over to where Sanders was handing out the mail and waited, hoping that Peggy had written to me in time. We’d taken to emailing, but every once in a while, she’d still send a letter via the mail, and if my count was correct, the next letter should arrive by snail mail.

I’d injured my back shortly after I’d sent my first letter. I’d sought medical attention right away, but it didn’t seem to heal as quickly as they first thought. In fact, the military doctor had talked to me about retiring early. Giving up wasn’t something I’d ever done, and I fought through the last two months, but I knew the writing was on the wall.

“Here you go,” Sanders said, handing me a lone letter. I flipped it over and recognized the writing immediately.

“Thanks, Sanders.”

“Make sure you take it easy, Sergeant.”

I nodded and made my way back to my desk. I looked around my room; I was headed home tomorrow, wherever that may be, six months sooner than I’d planned. I’d fly back into the US, to Texas, where I’d begin the discharge process and get everything set up for my retirement. From there, I’d set my plans in motion.

I ripped open the envelope and pulled the letter out. Unfolding it, I began reading.

Dearest Ethan,

Sorry for the delay in responding. Things have picked up around here. I had to hire another delivery driver, and I brought on another student, so I have two now instead of one. It’s been so busy I haven’t even had time to read. Did you get the books I sent? Like you, Thomas enjoys reading political thrillers, and when he suggested them, I knew they were ones you’d need to read.

Oh, and all that talk and worry over my estimate for the summer festival… well, you are looking at the person who won the bid! That’s right, I won the bid to do all the garden arrangements and planters for the summer festival. Talk about excited. I’ve already begun the planting in the gardens, and I’ve been planning out the planters. It’s been very exciting to work on such an amazing project for the town.

Thank you for giving me the courage and push to apply. It was your nothing ventured comment that forced me to push the send button, just so you know. Even Trinity bribing me with skittle cookies didn’t do it. Which you need to try one day. They are to die for. Another Tristan creation!

Oh, and I’ve included a picture so you can see what I’ve done so far. It may not look like much, but it’s taken weeks and many, many hours of planning.

I pulled the picture from behind the letter and looked at tall the gardens. Pink, purple, and white flowers in assorted arrangements in all the gardens popped in front of the dark-green bushes. I smiled. I was proud of her for hitting that submit button. From the pictures she had sent me in the past of her work, I knew without a doubt she’d pull this off without fail. Putting the picture down on the desk, I returned to the letter.

I’m sorry to hear about your accident. I hope your back is healing and that you’ll be back to your regular duties. I know you were worried about them discharging you and forcing you into early retirement, especially with you being so close to retirement. I’ll send some prayers upstairs that doesn’t happen.

As for the continuation of learning the language of flowers, we will now look at the pink rose. Pink roses are genuinely associated with femininity. Its meaning is grace and sweetness. Some others associate them with gentleness, appreciation, joy, thankfulness, and elegance. They are honestly perfect for pretty much any event and are one of my best sellers. Next letter we will talk about the green rose.

Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you, I’m curious about how you’re healing. Until our next letter….

With love,


I folded the letter and placed it back in the envelope, along with the picture. Then I opened the top of my duffel bag and put the letter with the others, and the emails I’d printed.

* * *

I’d been back in Texas for almost two weeks, and I stared down at the plane ticket on my table. I got up from the chair in my small apartment on base and gathered up the ticket, shoving it into my document holder when the phone rang.

“Hey, Dad,” I heard as I picked up the phone to be greeted by my daughter’s voice.
