Page 7 of Say You'll Stay

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“Hey Ted, can you give us a minute?” Charity asks.

“I’ll be in the car. Take care, Allie.” He waves at me and tosses me a wink. A wink?

Charity waits until the front door opens and closes before she pins me to the spot with a weird sort of intensity. “Okay, I know this is way out there, but do you think there might be the slightest,” she pinches her fingers together, “tiniest possibility that you maybe… could have possibly gotten…”

“Charity, I’m about thirty seconds from a reappearance of your soup. Spit it out.”

“Do you think you could be pregnant?”

I curse the day I told her about that mistake with Lucas. Lucas Kennedy. LucasfreakingKennedy. It was a big deal and everything, but I just want to forget it ever happened.


Charity sits on my bed next to me and grabs my clammy hands. “Let me ask you this.” She zeroes into my corneas with a laser focus. “Did you use protection?”

“Of course! I mean, I saw him take the…you know whatand put it on his…you know what.”

Charity rolls her eyes. “You really weren’t prepared for something like that. This is why you call me or text me to ask for my advice.”

I lean over and grab the giant bowl my dad brought me in case I throw up. I hold it up on my lap, feeling the need coming again.

“You can still get pregnant, even if he wore a condom. It’s slim, but still happens.”

“Okay, but I was also on the top, so gravity would have intervened as well.”

She scoffs and sighs heavily. “You had sex with him, and pregnancy can happen in any of those positions in which his stiffie shoots dicksplash up your spunk pot.”

How can she make it sound so freaking horrific?

“When was your last period?”

And there it is. All the soup I sipped. My body rejected it immediately.

Charity rubs circles on my back and holds my hair for me as I tip my head over the bowl.

“Allie, I get you don’t want to face what happened, but if you are pregnant, you’ll have a much bigger issue on your hands and it’s not something you can ignore.”

She reaches into her backpack and pulls out a box. She must have already thought about this before coming here. “Here, just see what it says.”

I stare at the box. It’s ridiculous. She’s going overboard.

But then again, it’ll get her off my back.

She helps me drag my feet into the bathroom and I follow the idiot-proof instructions. When Charity calls time from outside the bathroom, I look at the stupid stick.

It’s funny how ten minutes ago I was thinking about a chemistry test coming up and now I’m staring at twin pink lines on a plastic stick realizing my dad’s dreams for me going to medical school are basically over now.

Oh boy.



Five Years Later

“Hey Kat, just wanted to share the news. Please call me back as soon as you get this. It’s huge.” It’s the third voicemail I’ve left her in the last hour. I can barely hold in the news, and I need to share it with someone. I finally get to stay home now that I landed a job at El Dorado Union as the assistant coach. It wasn’t my high school in town, but if I put in a few years over there, I’ll find my way back to Bear Valley on the other side.

Katrina and I reconnected in my third year of college after she dropped out. Her parents said they would not pay for her to flunk out while partying nonstop. Understandable.
