Page 11 of Bernadette

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Bernadette peered in to see which of the Nobeks had opted to bring the party home. A glance, and she froze.

Her shock wasn’t due simply to seeing Halmiko on her carrier, locked in combat with Kom. It was seeing him stark naked as he fought.

Kom was naked too, but that barely registered on her radar. Neither did the shredded fabric scattered over the padded floor, material that had once been their clothing.

Over the years, she’d seen her security chief nude more times than she could count. He refused to wear clothes in his own quarters during his free hours and thought nothing of answering his door or even stepping out to talk to others in the buff. Hell, he’d wandered into the mess hall naked to pick up meals to eat in his quarters on several occasions. He was only careful when Bernadette took on Earther refugees to transport to safe ports, as her race was so easily upset by a scarred giant stalking around with two swaying dicks.

A distant part of her mind registered that she’d better warn him they were taking at least two human women with children to Haven. It was a dim whisper in her consciousness as she gaped at Halmiko.

Kalquorians, as a rule, were magnificent. Nobeks, born fighters, were particularly spectacular when it came to fit bodies. But she’d never seen the equal of Halmiko.

He was pure brawn as he grappled with Kom, trading punches, kicks, and occasionally tossing each other across the space. Scars crisscrossed his torso, arms, and legs, but they couldn’t detract from the incredible definition or perfect symmetry of masculine excellence. Nor could the streaks of blood that painted his and Kom’s brown bodies like warpaint. It was the typical amount of gore for a pair of Nobeks fighting for fun.

Like Kom, Hal was erect. His thick cocks curved up, but sex wasn’t in the air. The Kalquorians always grew hard when they fought, but there was no glistening of their natural lubrication when it came to combat. At least, not that she could tell from the distance where she stood.

Still, Halmiko held her gaze. She tried to ignore the heat crawling through her, an eager response she hadn’t known since Doljen. Her heart pounded. All at once, it was hard to breathe. Was she breathing?

Halmiko landed a kick to Kom’s midsection, a rippling stretch of abdominal muscles. Kom grunted and doubled, and as Halmiko sought another angle with which to capitalize on the instant of superiority, his attention fell on Bernadette. He froze, his stare locking with hers. Electricity shot through her at that primal glare.

The distraction was his undoing at what had appeared to be a fairly equal contest. Still bent, Kom rushed him, his shoulder driving into his opponent’s equally defined gut. He rose withHalmiko draped over his shoulder, simultaneously pivoting and tossing him into the air. Halmiko flew. His head thudded against the wall, and he dropped to the floor in a heap.

“Shit,” Bernadette swore, and she stampeded across the floor to check on the crumpled Nobek.

Chapter Four

“Oops. I guess sparring practice is over.” Kom joined her, and the reek of bohut coming from Halmiko doubled.

“You idiots are drunk,” Bernadette snarled, carefully using her thumb to slide Halmiko’s eyelid open. His catlike pupil was dilated.

“We had a few. It’s shore leave, Captain. Wake up, Nobek.” He slapped the insensible Halmiko, rocking his head.

“Cut it out. One brain injury is enough. You’d better hope someone hung around Medical.” She commed and was relieved when the Adraf she referred to as Dr. Z…her name was impossible for Bernadette to say…answered.

“It’s always the Nobeks,” Dr. Z chuckled. “I am becoming quite the expert on Kalquorian physiology, thanks to them. Which one this time? We have a betting pool in Medical.”

“None of ours. Kom brought home a drunk guest to pound into next week. If he sues us, it’s coming out of the head of security’s pay.” She gave Kom a livid glower.

“I’ll be right there. Fortunately, Kalquorians have incredibly tough skulls. It’s probably only a slight concussion.”

When Bernadette clicked off, Kom scowled. “Nobeks don’t bring lawsuits over bodily injuries in fights. Halmiko will be insulted you’d say such a thing.”

“Damn it, Kom, why’d you bring him on board?” She concentrated on looking at her officer’s face and not his nudity, nor the naked man she squatted next to.

“He’s a hero of mine. I had to fight him.” He suddenly gaped. “Captain, I knocked out Nobek Halmiko! The star kurble defender!”

Her initial thought was he would be appalled to have injured someone he held in high esteem. She should have known better from a Nobek. Kom whooped and ran around the room in a weird victory lap, leaping over Halmiko at the finish. Then he dashed to the middle of the room and bounced like a hyperactive toddler. His cocks bobbed up and down, joining the celebration.

“Blessed prophets, save me from Kalquorians,” Bernadette snorted. She gazed at Halmiko, taking advantage of his unawareness to inspect the brute, lingering over the magnificent musculature, the slack but handsome face, more so now that it had relaxed from its usual grim set.

* * * *

Pain was the first thing Halmiko noted upon waking. It felt as if an entire offensive line had run him over. They’d apparently stomped hardest on his skull.

Then he remembered it had been almost a decade since he’d last stepped onto a kurble field. The mystery of why he felt so awful was solved as he tasted the sourness of bohut he’d drunk hours ago. He must have really done a number on himself. It had been years since he’d been hungover.

He cracked an eye open, already wincing against agony a blast of light would spear into his skull. However, the pain remained constant instead of flaring stronger as he blinked at a gray ceiling.

“Back from the dead, I see.”
