Page 13 of Bernadette

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He paused when she didn’t leave to let him dress. Then he remembered she’d seen everything. Still, didn’t Earther women usually hold modesty in high regard?

She smirked as if she knew what he was thinking and turned, ready to exit. She paused, swiveled to face him again, and looked his bare torso over. A rush of excitement filled him, and he warned it off. Surely she wouldn’t…

Her regard met his again, and her grin widened. “You know, there’s always another option.”

“For what?”

“For settling your debt to me.”

He gazed into her dark eyes. No, it was too good to be true. No Earther woman would invite a Kalquorian she barely knew to her bed. Most definitely this tough lady wouldn’t.

Amusement sparkled her eyes. “Unless you’d prefer otherwise. Maybe I don’t interest you. Or perhaps you’re in too much pain? Weakened by your injuries?”

He tossed the sheet aside. “Do these look weak to you?”

She eyed his cocks, standing stiff and strong, beginning to shine with lubrication. “They’d better not be. I don’t have time or patience for uncertain men. Come on if you want your debt forgiven.”

He grabbed for the clothes, but she was already striding out of the medical bay. Halmiko cursed. Shielding his excitement with the shirt and trousers bunched in his fists, he raced after her into the corridor.

“Have fun,” a laughing Dr. Z called after him.

* * * *

“If you’re trying to embarrass me by having me trot naked after you for everyone to see, you’ll be disappointed.”

Bernadette chuckled. “Thanks to Kom working on this ship, naked Nobeks don’t warrant a second glance. Well, usually.”

She glanced over her shoulder. Just as quickly, she faced front again, biting her lips together to keep from laughing. Halmiko was impressive, but some of the effect was ruined by him holding the donated outfit over his crotch and wearing only a mixture of eagerness and mortification as he hurried to catch up.

Fortunately for his ego, they soon reached Bernadette’s quarters without having run into any of theRogue’screw. She called for the door to lock behind him.

They stared at each other in a small but homey space that included a couch, a couple of chairs, and a table. A small dining area and kitchenette completed the open living space. Her bed could be seen through the open door to the other room.

She’d half expected him to toss the clothes aside and get right to business, but instead, he stood there staring at her with narrowed eyes. “What?” she asked.

“Just wondering what the hell is going on. I invited you to have sex twice before. Not only did you say no, but you threatened me with a blaster. Now you suddenly offer to fuck?”

“The threat with the weapon wasn’t about you propositioning me, if you’ll recall. But yeah, I turned you down. Then I changed my mind when I saw what you have to offer. Is that so strange? After all, you did warn me I’d want it if I saw it.”

His grim expression was back. “Is it strange to be propositioned by an Earther female? Most would say so.”

“Life has changed for some of us since we lived on Earth. You aren’t this uncertain in bed, are you? I’m not into indecisive men. Big turnoff.”

At last, he flung the clothes on the floor, revealing himself in all his glory. His naked tour of the ship hadn’t cooled his eagerness if the swollen cocks were any indication. His words proved it. “Take your clothes off.”

The gruff order lit her insides. That was more like it.

She sauntered toward her bedroom, pulling off her tailored black jacket to reveal the crisp white shirt underneath. She went straight to her closet to hang it and the matching trousers. Keeping her back to Halmiko…she assumed he’d followed her in, that his steps were as silent as any Nobek’s…she pulled her hairfree of its severe bun. The curls tumbled to the middle of her back, a heavy weight.

She tugged off her ankle boots and socks. Then she unsealed the front seam of her shirt. That, she let fall to the floor. She had plenty in reserve, and they weren’t difficult to clean.

She turned to face Halmiko. As always, she experienced an instant of uncertainty, aware of how spare her figure was. She was trim and toned, but her breasts were small and her hips narrower than what most men seemed to prefer. He might take one look and lose interest.

His gaze raked over her. His avid cocks jerked, and a deliciously dangerous smile threatened to curve his lips. “All of it, woman. Unless you prefer I rip the rest off.”

The crotch of her panties was abruptly wet. She would very much have enjoyed him tearing off her underthings, but the matching lace bra and panties were her nicest set, and she preferred to keep them intact. Instead of indulging in the rough fantasy that made her pulse race, she reached behind and unhooked her bra.

Halmiko growled as the sapphire blue cups fell away, revealing her pert mounds and hard nipples. His cocks jerked again. “I can’t wait to suck those. Go on. Show me that pussy too.”
