Page 16 of Bernadette

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“That’s it,” he crooned as whimpers interrupted her diatribe and her hips rose to meet his thrusts. “Pretty little Earther is going to come for the big, nasty Kalquorian fucking her pussy and ass. She can’t help it. She needs to come for him.”

No words now from her lips, swollen from his harsh kisses. Only moans and sobbing cries, her breath ragged. He bent to her breast. His nip brought a strong spasm from her nether regions. He kissed the hurt, then stung her other nipple with his harsh attention.

She appreciated it rough, and she enjoyed being made to take it. Halmiko’s brain whirled with all the acts he could perform on such a woman to their mutual delight. His groin flooded with heat, and he fucked her faster. Her head tossed, and her mouth opened. Her pussy flexed a warning. He fucked her harder.

“Good girl. Chase that orgasm. Show me how you like it. Show me, Bernadette. Show me now.”

He pinched her clit, and she screamed, arching beneath him. Her delicious cunt drew on him. Overcome by her gorgeous surrender, he let go. His seed poured in violent bursts, and he groaned from his gut at the delicious, agonizing pull.

When he was done, he continued to play with her clit, holding her down to force every last mote of pleasure from her laboring body. He watched rapt, enthralled with how damnedbeautiful she was when she came. He ignored her pleas to stop until she lay limp and trembling, her paroxysms at last faded to nothing. Only then did he relent.

“Bastard,” she mumbled when she was able to speak. Her eyes were closed, and he sensed she hovered seconds from the grip of exhaustion.

“At least you’ll sleep.” So would he. Like a fucking rock. He rolled over so she lay on top of him again. When she tried to move off, he slapped her ass. “Stay put.”

She huffed, but a second later, her breath deepened. Out went her lights.

With her doubtful to leave him any time soon, he let drowsiness steal over him. Cupping her buttocks, keeping her in place so his cocks remained snug inside her, he fell asleep.

And dreamed.

* * * *

Twenty-four years prior

Halmiko nudged Tumsa and nodded toward a corner of the room. “Who’s the hot Imdiko?”

“Where?” Alerted, Tumsa stood on his toes to look over the taller revelers celebrating their playoff win earlier that day. “Oh, him. Nice. Sports groupie, you think?”

“Maybe. I’ve never spotted him before tonight.” Halmiko was already moving toward the smiling fellow, who stood in the club’s private room. He was talking to a Dramok Halmiko had seen around before, a definite sports groupie who’d probably slept with half the team by then. Along with who knew how many other players on who knew how many teams. Some guys collected celebrity fucks the way Nobeks collected knives.

Chuckling, Tumsa followed, letting his bigger friend part the crowd for him. Halmiko wasn’t the tallest or most muscled of theplayers, but he was the toughest, and everyone acknowledged it. After six years as the star defender on a major league kurble team, his reputation was sufficient to clear a path.

Sports groupies were a dime a dozen, mostly Dramoks hoping to score prestige and fortune by roping a famous or soon-to-be-famous Nobek into clanship. Sometimes non-player Nobeks showed up too, young ones idolizing their heroes. Halmiko had no use for either. He was set on clanning with Tumsa in a couple of years, after the Dramok turned the legal age of twenty-five. They had their lives planned out, including eventually attracting that most elusive of breeds, the life-bringing Matara female clanmate.

But first, they needed an Imdiko. Though nowhere as rare as the women, the numbers of the usually gentle caregiver breed were scant enough to increase their desirability. They often were promised to clans at young ages. Halmiko and Tumsa were actively scouting for their third male clan member, and the pickings had been slim. Even a famous kurble player often had little to choose from.

Halmiko sized up his target as he drew closer. The Imdiko would have to be at least eighteen to have been allowed in the club, though he didn’t appear to be drinking. His hands were empty of a bottle or glass at the present. It was a good sign, at least as far as Tumsa would be concerned.

At first glance, the Imdiko appeared more than old enough to join the party. His features were strong, those of an action vid hero, ruggedly handsome and intense. He was about Tumsa’s height, but his stronger, more solid physique suited his face. What gave his youth away was his wide-eyed childlike innocence. Such a lack of unimpressed sophistication was reserved for someone who hadn’t seen much of the world yet.

The Dramok he spoke to saw Halmiko coming and sidled closer to the Imdiko. Staking a claim? Or had he already scored the gorgeous youngling? They were claimed so damned quick.

The target blinked at his companion’s insistent nearness and followed the line of his gaze. His eyes settled on Halmiko, and his jaw dropped.

“Nobek Halmiko! You were amazing today!”

Halmiko grinned at the unabashed flattery. The guy was young, all right, too naïve to be embarrassed at his own exuberant outburst.

“Thanks. Glad you could make it out to the game. Is this your, uh—” he glanced at the Dramok practically clinging to him.

“Huh? Oh, we just met. This is…” The Imdiko found reason to blush. “I’m sorry. I forgot your name.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Most longtime sports groupies understood Halmiko couldn’t be bothered with their ilk. The Dramok had been around and knew to not try the defender’s patience. He grudgingly moved off for greener pastures.

“Actually, I was more interested inyourname, Imdiko. Oh, meet my best friend and intended, Dramok Tumsa. He’s a training coach for the team and the best Dramok you’ll ever meet.” Halmiko leaned close, the loud voices of the partiers providing an excellent reason to do so.

Tumsa did as well, dipping a slight bow and grinning at the object of their shared fascination. His features were more boyish than the younger Imdiko’s, the perfect foil to Halmiko’s craggier looks. “I don’t know about being the best Dramok, but I’m glad to make your acquaintance.”
