Page 19 of Bernadette

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By the time they were ready to say their goodbyes that night, having walked Doljen to his shuttle in a public docking bay, Halmiko caught Tumsa’s eye and nodded. A future with Doljen was conceivable as far as he was concerned. He was infatuated with the Imdiko.

Tumsa answered him with a grin and said to Doljen, “What do you say to an actual date with us?”

Doljen’s sunny face somehow glowed brighter. “I’d like that.”

“Excellent. After next week’s championship game, we’ll have plenty of down time—”

“Actually, how would you like to attend the championship on our sideline as my guest?” Halmiko offered.

“Really? I’d love to.” Doljen fairly wiggled, his youth adorably on display.

Tumsa chuckled. “Done. We’ll find out how our schedules work out from then on. I realize you’ll be deep into your studies, but hopefully we can make something work so we can get to know each other better.”


A promising beginning. Halmiko could have never dreamed that sixteen years later, what had been a dream come true would end in tragedy.

Chapter Six

Present day

Bernadette climbed over an awake but stubbornly immovable Halmiko to reach her buzzing com unit. She dug her knee into his thigh as she went, to punish him for being so damned unhelpful.

“Would it kill you to hand it to me?”

“It might kill me to not have, you bony—” he didn’t finish the insult with her other knee hovering over his lively crotch.

Despite the threat, his twin terrors refused to wilt. She snorted and grabbed her com. Her position placed her breast inches over Halmiko’s mouth. He took the inadvertent invitation and sucked her nipple. When she moved back to her side of the bed, he went with her.

She yanked his long hair without any effect on his devouring. She had to settle for doing her best to ignore his attentions and the heat he woke within her. She managed to keep her voice steady as she answered the familiar frequency. “Yeah, Kom, what’s up?”

“Good news, Captain. We scored that cargo you wanted to transport to Haven, plus I snagged a second shipment as well. It’ll be lucrative, even if your main objective doesn’t pan out.”

“Excellent.” As excellent as that mouth moving from tit to tit. “When’s load-in?”

“Cargo one, within the hour. The second cargo, tomorrow morning.”

Too bad they couldn’t finish loading that afternoon. Bernadette was eager to head out to Haven. “All right, I’ll meet you in the bay in fifteen. Make that twenty.” She needed to peel the Kalquorian off her and shower off the night they’d shared.

“One other thing. I checked on how soon we can offload once we reach Haven and if there are any shipments to be had.”

“Is there a problem with either?”

“No, but your sweetheart and all-time best buddy Fod is scheduled to show up the same day. In the same docking section we’re assigned to.”

Bernadette groaned. Halmiko’s mouth was talented, but Fod’s name had the effect of dousing her libido in icy water. The temptation to delay work for another fuck sputtered and died. She shoved her palm over his face, then jackknifed out from under him. She tucked and rolled to escape, ending with her standing next to the bed.

“I’m hiring extra security to deal with Fod,” she said.

“Isn’t that my job?” Kom sounded offended.

“You already picked him. I’ll see you in the bay.”

She tossed the com to the bedside table, disgusted with unkind fate. Halmiko, lounging on the bed, pointed to his cocks. “Here. Now.”

There was a part within her that was eager to obey, but Captain Miller had shown up, putting Bernadette’s sensual persona on the back burner. “Later. Maybe. Right now, we havea cargo to load if you want a job. Considering you failed to show up for your old one.”

It was hard to keep from laughing as bed covers and pillows flew and the Nobek launched himself out of bed. Kalquorian curses filled the air. He scrambled for his handheld which, with his gazillion knives, had been tangled in the clothes Kom had donated to him. He groaned as he noted the time.
