Page 21 of Bernadette

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“I could. I certainly wouldn’t be ashamed about it.”

Why would he? He was gorgeous. Bernadette shut her mind to such thoughts and her eyes to the sin of her appreciation. “You have no decency.”

“I also have no patience left.”

Her eyes flew open as he reached for her. She screamed and fought, doing her best to claw his alien purple eyes, to wrench free as he grasped her, to kick when he held her upright and pinned her arms over her head.

All useless. He grabbed her hem and yanked her nightgown off. The brief moment he let her go, she crouched to the floor again, shielding herself from his view, her hair cascading to cover her.

Doljen grabbed her wrists again and pulled her to her feet. She battered his armored legs with more kicks, but it was no use. She was helpless, and he was looking at her.

When she’d exhausted herself and dangled from his grip panting, she glared to show he’d won nothing from her. “Well? Are you happy to see me? Proud of your success in tearing the clothes off a weaker woman?”

He didn’t speak right away. His gaze had weight as it roamed over her, taking in her throat, shoulders, breasts, waist, hips, and sex. She squeezed her thighs to hide as much of her womanhood as she could from his stare.

“I am happy you’re out of that tent you were wearing. You’re too lovely a woman to be concealed from those who would appreciate such beauty.”

Rage filled her. She was furious he’d mock her in such a way. Her small breasts and narrow hips were no man’s conception of attractiveness. What really pissed her off was the heat that rose within as his stare ravished her.

Horror joined her anger. Her sex had turned slick at his perusal. The longer he looked, the wetter she grew. She could feel it between her thighs where they met her womanhood.

He leaned close as if to kiss her. She turned her head to avoid it. He whispered in her ear. “What’s that I smell, lady? Where is that delicious scent coming from? Shall I search for its source?”

Smell? What smell? What was he talking about?

Still holding her wrists captive in a manacle hand, his face drifted lower. When his mouth drew level with her breasts, the nipples jutting shamefully, she screwed her eyes shut. It was then that she became aware of his breath, warm against her skin. It wafted over her chest, then moved lower. It breezed against her sternum, her upper stomach, and her navel.

Her eyes flew wide. He was going lower, right to her…

“No!” Her knee shot up, aiming for his nose.

Doljen caught her leg, arresting it before it could make contact. He held it in place despite her struggles. He went no lower, but the angle of his head told Bernadette he was lookingthere. With her leg flung upward, she was exposed to his stare.

His deep inhale seemed to echo in the room. “That’s where the delicious scent is coming from.” His gaze tracked up her body. “It’s you, Bernadette. It’s the smell of your arousal.”

No. She tried to say it. Tried to scream it. Under that regard that said he understood everything, and confronted with her own betrayal to herself, she couldn’t utter a sound or move a muscle.

She smelled something too. A sharp aroma, slightly sweet. Cinnamon-like. Surely it wasn’t her.

The fragrance left her consciousness as Doljen licked his lips. He was still bent low, and the thought of that tongue, slick and warm, invaded her brain.

“Please.” The moan startled her, as did the realization she didn’t know what she was asking for.

He straightened abruptly, pulling her from the wall and clasping her wrists behind her back. “You need a wash.”

He marched her toward the door. Where the guards stood outside. Where more Kalquorians stood sentry along the route to the shower room.

Bernadette braced her feet against the cold linoleum floor, but Doljen was far stronger. He pushed her inexorably toward the door. At their approach, he triggered it open. It slid into the wall, and he shoved her out.

Two big bruisers of Nobeks stood there. They stared at her, their gazes roaming over her nakedness. Seeing her bare, uncovered, as Doljen forced her from her cell sanctuary.

“Our most troublesome lady is taking a shower,” he said, moving her past them.

“Would she enjoy some help, Doctor?”

“I’d be glad to take care of those hard-to-reach places.”

Their offers filled her burning ears. As did Doljen’s whisper. “It sounds as if you’re becoming popular, Bernadette. You’ll have the entire crew at your feet if they get a look at you.”
