Page 39 of Bernadette

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Seven years prior

“Are you wet for me? Is your pussy hot and throbbing at the thought of my mouth on it?” Doljen held her clean nightgown, but he wouldn’t let her have it.

Bernadette stood, her fists clenched at her sides. Her legs were parted in a wide stance. His rules. She mustn’t shield herself from his scrutiny. She had to answer his questions. She had to do as she was ordered. Otherwise, the final infamy would happen.

“I’m wet. My sinful flesh, the devil’s playground, is eager to debase me,” she ground out, substituting anger for the curious elation coursing through her. Prophets, she was so aroused. Why couldn’t she control herself? She’d entered God’s service for the wrong reasons, but surely she wasn’t so corrupt?

Doljen walked around her as she stood stiff and defiant in the middle of her storage room cell. His gaze raked over her, his prisoner. He kept telling her the wicked acts he wished her to enjoy with him, kept fouling her ears with the immoral pleasures he knew excited her.

“I’m aching to kiss that lovely pussy as I’d kiss your mouth. My tongue tasting you, pushing within you, feeling you quiver against it. You remember how the cloth felt on your clit when you showered? Now imagine my lips and tongue there, making you come while I lick and suck on you. I’ll watch your lovely face while it happens, the way your eyes go glassy, your mouth wide open with screams of ecstasy. Maybe you’d scream my name. I’d like that, Bernadette.”

She’d like it too. She knew she would. His name was at the back of her throat even now. The need to speak it and beg him to just do it already rose in a tide.

Why didn’t he? He had the strength. He had the need; it was obvious from the way the crotch of his one-piece uniform was distended. He could take her at any time, and there was nothing she could do to stop him.

Instead, he circled, a predator eyeing his prey, playing with her. Torturing her with the evil desires he named in turn.

“I want to shave your pussy. Make it so you can’t hide a single inch from me. All your secrets laid bare, Bernadette. You’d like that too, wouldn’t you? Your pussy, naked and spread for me and whomever else I’d allow to look at you. Oh, that got your attention.”

She’d jerked involuntarily in reaction to the fantasies he wove. She clenched her fists tighter, determined hide any indication of the longing he woke.

Doljen was relentless, however. “You do enjoy the idea of being seen with me enjoying all your lovely gifts. Perhaps you’d prefer an audience when you return the favor of my orally pleasuring you? On your knees before me, those lovely lips opening to first my smaller cock, then the primary? Imagine tasting my excitement. I know you can smell it. Earthers say Kalquorian lubrication smells and tastes like cinnamon. I bet those sentries outside the door would love to watch your pretty pink tongue twining around my cocks, having your first taste. Should I call them in? Kneel, and I’ll let you put on the show you’re dying for.”

Her knees trembled, as if determined to do so. She stiffened them and refused to respond.

“Or maybe you’d like it more to have them watch as you open your legs for me. We’ll call in everyone who’s available, Bernadette. ‘Come observe the pretty Earther throw off her repression. Bear witness to her giving herself willingly to a man. See her pussy and ass spread for their first cocks, hear her happycries as she offers her sweetest treasures.’ They’d come running for such a show.”

She could imagine it; dark faces crowded above her, purple cat’s eyes drinking in her surrender as Doljen claimed her. A moan escaped. She craved it. Heaven help her, she did.

He must have sensed it. He came close, a mere hairsbreadth between him and her. His warmth enfolded her, goaded her to give in. If he touched her, she’d crumble.

Instead, he whispered, “Rub your breasts. No cloth between your hands and skin this time. Let me see you make yourself feel good.”

Electricity shot through her nipples, and she gasped. She hadn’t waited for him to tell her he’d do it if she refused. Her fingers had leapt to her chest, already rubbing and pinching her stiffening flesh. Startled, her gaze lifted to his.

Doljen’s smile was gentle. Sweet. “That’s beautiful.You’rebeautiful. Go ahead, gorgeous woman. Show me.”

The strident voice of reason rose in her mind, but it was outshouted by a need too primitive to be reasoned with. With Doljen staring, she grasped her breasts with frantic hands, rubbing hard. She couldn’t make herself stop with him staring. His lips were parted, wet. His tongue peeked out between them.

Bernadette lifted on her toes. Her mouth smashed onto his, and her tongue stabbed to find its twin.

He uttered an animal’s snarl, a low vibration that shook her bones. She wrapped her arms around his neck and clung, her torso rubbing frantically against his. She kissed him inexpertly but with all the violent passion possessing her.

He yanked his head back, pulling his lips free from hers. His expression was a glower, but not of anger. It was the look of a man about to lose all control of his actions, and it sent a blast of heat through Bernadette.

“What do you want, woman?”

“All of it,” she gasped. “All you said. Your mouth on me. My mouth on you. Your…your cocks. In me.”

“The men outside the room? Shall I call them in?”

She felt something within her break. Some barrier, an iron wall that had sequestered her every desire. Every unanswered wish, every unfulfilled dream came bursting out.

“Yes. I want them to watch me with you. I want them to look atme.”

“Door open.” When it did, he called, “Come in. She wants you to watch us fuck.”

The brutal but enthralling word rang in her ears as he was obeyed. The Nobeks were young, as most the invading Kalquorians were, and she imagined excitement filling their features. Imagined, because she couldn’t take her eyes off Doljen as he lowered her to the mattress.
