Page 46 of Bernadette

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Bernadette’s heart sank. Dr. Z was more than a competent ship’s medic, a difficult position to fill on an independent cargo carrier. Bernadette genuinely liked her. The whole crew did.

“If this is about Fod harassing you, our Nobeks have proven they’re capable of keeping you safe. They’re happy to do so.”

“It is about Fod. I appreciate you and the rest of this crew going to such trouble on my behalf—”

“It’s no trouble. Anyway, if it were, you’d be well worth it.”

“Captain.” Z’s eyes, the same warm brown as her fur, were soft with affection. “I’m tired of dodging him. I’m sick of landing at a post and finding out he’s there too, waiting to corner me. I need him out of my life.”

Bernadette sighed. “I understand. How much time can you allow for me to look for a replacement?”

“A month. Maybe two. If it takes you a little longer to grab a shipment to Adraf space to make it worth your while, I’m agreeable.”

“I won’t stretch it out too long. Two months max, and I’ll take you home whether it includes a decent payday or not.”

“That’s kind of you. Thank you for understanding.” Z hesitated, then asked, “Do you have any idea if Fod will be on Lobam?”

“Our shipment was the only one scheduled from Haven for the next month. You’ll be able to relax.”

Bernadette couldn’t help but be angry at Z’s obvious relief. Fod’s stalking had made her life miserable. No one should have to live with such harassment.

* * * *

The intel that the Besyu District on Lobam wasn’t friendly to strangers was quickly borne out on Bernadette’s arrival. She’d wisely presented herself as a tourist curious about the region, an explorer who strayed into remote places off the beaten track. To say the residents of the district were suspicious was putting it lightly. Her hellos were greeted with silence, and questions about the wildlife and geographic details of the area tersely, if at all, answered.

She happened upon a few Kalquorians who weren’t as tightlipped. Such people were usually those who had welcomed Earthers into their families. Clan Denkar was such a group, whose son had clanned an Earther. When Bernadette fell in with the older clan at dinner in the grungiest bar she’d ever been in, she navigated her inquiries with care.

“I wonder what the hell I ran into on my hike this afternoon,” she muttered, showing the clan’s Imdiko her calf, which sported a rash. “Have you ever seen this?”

Iramas, a droopy-eyed, laidback type, examined the reddened flesh. “That could be from the tajra bushes. Does it burn?”

“A little, but it’s really more along the lines of an itch. It’s driving me crazy.”

“Let me look at that.” Matara Gilsa sat on the other side of Bernadette. She was steely-eyed, with as dangerous an aspect as any Nobek the transport captain had ever encountered, but hercalloused grip on Bernadette’s leg was gentle. “I’m betting on onlas bites, though this rash doesn’t look quite right.”

“It might appear strange because she’s an Earther,” Denkar opined.

“I could give you a soothing cream for the itch, but onlas bites have a tendency to get infected.”

“I’ll fly out in the morning to the city to find a doctor then. Damn, I really wanted to hit the beach tomorrow.” Bernadette sighed.

“You think we’re too backward to have a doctor around here?” Nobek Barun pretended to scowl.

“I think if you live in Besyu, you’re too tough to need a doctor. It’s tenderfoots like me who get into trouble. I knew better than to wear shorts in the woods.”

“We have someone with medical expertise locally. I’ve heard he’s pretty good. Take these directions down.”

She did so. “Does this doctor have a name?”

“Probably. You can ask him for it when you get there. Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t give it to you.” Denkar signaled to the nearly toothless barkeeper who tended to scowl when Bernadette came in. He’d been friendlier since she’d fallen in with Denkar’s clan. “Utel, another round.”

* * * *

Since the nameless doctor was a mere three miles from Bernadette’s campsite, she opted to walk to his home the next morning. Her route took her through the woods, and despite the warmth of the day, she wore long pants and hiking boots, as she’d done every day since arriving. The rash she’d shown Clan Denkar was courtesy of a healing gel Bernadette had a slight allergy to, helpfully provided by Dr. Z.

Bernadette caught herself mentally rehearsing various scenarios of her long-awaited encounter with Doljen while shewalked. She forced herself to stop when she became aware she was doing so. Who knew how he’d react to her showing up in his life again? All thinking about it did was make her anxious. She did her best to concentrate on her surroundings, on the dappled sunlight shining through the leaves of the trees that soared overhead. She also tried not to worry about the spotty reception her com indicated. If she were actually injured in the woods, she might not be able to call for help.

Less than an hour later, she began to hear athunkin the distance that repeated in short bursts. It was a sound from her girlhood. Someone was chopping wood.
