Page 48 of Bernadette

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“That tone tells me it’s important. It’s most likely a problem with my ship.”

“Your ship?”

“I’m the owner and captain.”

His raised brows told her he was impressed. He let her go, watching as she fumbled with her pants to locate her com and frowned at the frequency.

“This better be important, Kom.”

“I hope it isn’t, Captain. But as you say, better safe than sorry. Fod’s freighter landed seconds ago.”

She hung onto the happy feelings she’d won despite a tug of dread. Poor Z. “I thought we’d snagged the only shipment going from Haven to Lobam.”

“We did. He ran on empty.”Run on emptywas slang for making a trip without transporting any cargo.

“Thanks for the alert. You know the drill. Make sure Dr. Z watches her furry neck.”

“I already warned her. She says she won’t budge from theRogueuntil he leaves or we do.”

The minor concern his com had woken disappeared as Bernadette turned to Doljen. Kom and his team…hell, her whole crew…were capable of handling the situation. She could concentrate on what mattered.

She returned to Doljen’s bed, her feet sinking deep into a soft black fur rug. Then she was enclosed in the softness of sheets and the warmth of his embrace.

“Ship’s captain, huh?” He grinned.

“It’s an independent cargo transport. Could you imagine it seven years ago?” She traced the dimple in his chin, struck all over again that they were together.

“I knew you could have done anything you set your mind to, but the idea of you commanding a space vessel never occurred to me. How did that come about?”

“Traveling from place to place seemed like the best way to search for you. It took long enough, but it worked.”

A shadow passed over his features. “How did you find me, Bernadette?”

She was in no hurry to tell him his clanmates were on Lobam too. She wasn’t certain if her heart could handle him throwing her out just as they’d been reunited.

She hedged. “It wasn’t easy. I caught up to your Nobek on Station Nove, but he wasn’t a lot of help. His knowledge of your whereabouts ended with your discharge from the fleet following Kalquor’s civil war.”

Doljen stilled at the mention of his clanmate. “You spoke to Halmiko?”

Bernadette noted the wavering instant of hurt and tremor in his tone. “He’s doing well, in case you’re wondering. He’s as poor as a monk, but as far as his health’s concerned, he’s okay.”

Doljen swallowed. “I’m glad to hear he’s alive and kicking. He didn’t know how to find me, huh? Yet here you are.”

“He had a lead on where Tumsa was, so that was my next stop.”

There was more than momentary pain at the mention of his Dramok’s name. Doljen looked as if he’d been punched in the gut. “He’d heard I came to Lobam?”

“After I pestered him about it, he called in a favor from someone who’s aces at tracking people down. I’ve been in the district for the past few days laying on the charm to get the nice folks here to point me in the right direction. You do remember how charming I am, don’t you?”

Her attempt at humor found no mark. There was definite disquiet in his expression, though he kept holding her. “So Tumsa realizes I’m here too. Does Halmiko?”

“Yes.”Let it go for now, she begged him silently. But he was Doljen, and Doljen let nothing go.

“Did they give you any indication they might show up here? That they were planning to confront me?”

There was no hiding it. Either he’d toss her out or he wouldn’t when she delivered the news. “They came with me.Halmiko is now a member of my crew, and he and Tumsa are making an attempt to…well, I can’t confirm they’re thinking about getting back together. Two seconds’ conversation with each other appears to be a monumental effort.”

“I don’t want to see them.” The assertion burst from him in a rush. He stared at her as if she were trying to force him to.
